ROOK Coleford / Coalway Blacksmith family (General)

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Sunday, July 01, 2007, 11:42 (6456 days ago) @ rookancestrybest

In case you're interested: the Sheffield branch never forgot Coleford, - in fact it is mentioned on the family gravestone in Sheffield. Esther married and had two children. David, Mary and Loui Jane did not marry and had no children. David worked at Samuel Osborne's like his father, Mary (though very bright) had polio when she was a child and therefore didn't have chance to work and Loui Jane (known as Ginnie) became the head teacher of a Sheffield Catholic school. Agnes married and had four daughters and a son, I'm the grand daughter of one of those daughters. One daughter had a daughter, two of the other daughters had two daughters each, the other one had three sons and the son had one son. I've been to Coleford twice to see what it was like, once in the 1970s and again about a decade ago and will try and visit again some day. David could speak Welsh and often used to speak to one of his neighbours, Mr. Jones in Sheffield in Welsh!

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