Born out of wedlock (General)
by unknown, Friday, July 06, 2007, 09:10 (6451 days ago)
If somebody was born out of wedlock in the 1820- 1860 period was the father guilty of a crime of basterdary and if so were records kept which could be viewed on line.
I ask becuase my greatgreat grandfather Thomas Fisher of Lydbrook may fall into this category as i cannot find any birth details for him (born 1840 +- 1year) and his marriage certificate shows his father as a George Combs.
kind regards
john fisher
Bastardy Orders etc
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, July 06, 2007, 11:32 (6451 days ago) @ unknown
For the illegitimate children of paupers there are also bastardy examinations, bastardy bonds (executed by the putative father), and bastardy orders. These documents are of particular value when the identity of the natural father is not indicated in other sources such as the parish registers.
The Gloucestershire Records Office holds some of these Parish records.
I wonder ??
Name: Thomas Coombes
Year of Registration: 1841
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
DISTRICT: Monmouth (1837-1939)
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 26
Page: 74
Bastardy Orders etc
by unknown, Sunday, July 08, 2007, 04:00 (6450 days ago) @ slowhands
Thanks for the info Slowhands you may well have solved my mystery of Thomas Fisher and Emily White whose fathers on their marriage certificate of 1865 have different surnames ie. George Combes and Thomas Allaway.
I have found what may well be a bastardy order against a George Coombes in 1841 the birth year of Thomas Coombes .I cannot find a similar order for Thomas Allaway or an entry for a birth entry for Emily White/Allawy 1840-1841 however.
Thomas ALLAWAY 1820 Ironmaster Lydbrook
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, July 08, 2007, 08:52 (6449 days ago) @ unknown
ear: 1865
Month: May
Day: 28
Groom Surname: FISHER
Groom Forenames: Thomas
Groom Age at Marriage: 24
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Collier
Groom Residence: Lydbrook
Groom Father's Surname: COMBE
Groom Father's Forenames: George
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Collier
Bride Surname: WHITE
Bride Forenames: Emily
Bride Age at Marriage: 24
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession:
Bride Residence: Lydbrook
Bride Father's Surname: ALLAWAY
Bride Father's Forenames: Thomas
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Iron Master
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: he mark she sign
Witness 1: James Lerigo
Witness 2: Hannah Fisher
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: L [illegible]ington
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes: Unable to read signature
Register Reference: P208 IN 1/5
Page No: 29
Parish_Chapel: Lydbrook
The Allaways were a prosperous family so you may not find any Bonds etc..
Thomas Allaway abt 1820 Lydbrook Head Lydney Gloucestershire
Helen Allaway abt 1832 Dublin, Ireland Wife Lydney Gloucestershire
James W H Allaway abt 1856 Lydney Son Lydney Gloucestershire
Thomas W Allaway abt 1855 Lydney Son Lydney Gloucestershire
1851 Ironmaster Highbury House
Thomas Allaway abt 1826 Lidbrook, Gloucestershire, England Head Lydney Gloucestershire
Helen Allaway abt 1832 Castlecknork, Ireland Wife Lydney Gloucestershire
Name: Helen Rathbone
Name: Thomas Allaway
Year of Registration: 1850
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
DISTRICT: Cheltenham
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 11
Page: 276
1841 ?
William Allaway abt 1776 Bicknor English Gloucestershire Tin Plate
Anne Allaway abt 1781 Gloucestershire, England Bicknor English Gloucestershire
Thomas Allaway abt 1816 Gloucestershire, England Bicknor English Gloucestershire
William Allaway abt 1821 Gloucestershire, England Bicknor English Gloucestershire
Emily WHITE 1842 Lydbrook
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, July 08, 2007, 08:52 (6449 days ago) @ unknown
1871 Worral Hill
Thomas Fox abt 1847 Coleford, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean Gloucestershire [widower]
Alice Fox abt 1814 Newland, Gloucestershire, England Mother West Dean Gloucestershire
Emily Fisher abt 1842 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Wid[ow] West Dean Gloucestershire
Sarah Ann Fisher abt 1866 Wirral Hill, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean Gloucestershire
1861 ?
Emiley White abt 1842 St Briavels, Gloucestershire, England Visitor Ruardean Gloucestershire
Thomas FISHER 1841 Lydbrook
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, July 10, 2007, 00:01 (6448 days ago) @ unknown
1861 Worral Hill
Thomas Fisher abt 1841 Lydnock, Gloucestershire, England Lodger West Dean Gloucestershire
1851 Anchorberry / Lydbrook
John Fisher abt 1797 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean Gloucestershire
Eliza Fisher abt 1807 Drybrook, Herefordshire, England Wife West Dean Gloucestershire
Emily Fisher abt 1829 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean Gloucestershire
Hannah Fisher abt 1824 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean Gloucestershire
John Fisher abt 1835 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son West Dean Gloucestershire
Margaret Fisher abt 1831 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean Gloucestershire
Sarah Fisher abt 1825 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean Gloucestershire
Thomas Fisher abt 1842 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Grandson West Dean Gloucestershire
1841 Lidbrook
John Fisher abt 1796 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Eliza Fisher abt 1796 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Emely Fisher abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Hannah Fisher abt 1826 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
John Fisher abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Margaret Fisher abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Sarah Fisher abt 1826 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Year: 1820
Month: May
Day: 6
Grooms_Surname: FISHER
Grooms_Forenames: John
Grooms_Age: [not stated]
Groom_Condition: Batchelor
Grooms_Occupation: [not stated]
Grooms_Residence: Walford
Brides_Surname: BAKER
Brides_Forenames: Eliza
Brides_Age: [not stated]
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Walford
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: Thomas Yem
Witness_2: Thomas Parsons
Officiating_Minister: T. D. Fosbrooke Min[iste]r
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: AO19/6
Page_Number: 29
Parish_Chapel: Walford
Thomas FISHER 1841 Lydbrook
by Joanne, Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 03:33 (6062 days ago) @ slowhands
Are you still looking into this family? I have only just come across these messages and was so glad to find them. I am trying to research this family at the moment for someone. I start with John Samuel Fisher b. 13 Jun 1906 Lydbrook with Parents John Fisher and Emma Lear. John Fisher was b. abt. 1870 Lydbrook with parents Thomas Fisher and Emily White. I was a little confused to say the least about them having fathers with different surnames and then coming across John on the census with his parents having different names altogether lol!
Please let me know if you were able to make any further headway with this family.
John 1870 & Emma 1870 FISHER Lydbrook
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, November 08, 2010, 14:32 (5230 days ago) @ Joanne
FISHER JOHN M 1870 41 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER EMMA F 1869 42 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER ARCHIE M 1910 1 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER EALSIE F 1905 6 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER EMILY F 1893 18 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER GEORGE M 1891 20 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER MABLE F 1901 10 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER OSHON M 1898 13 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER SAMMY M 1907 4 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
FISHER STANLEY M 1903 8 Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire
Sammy !!!!!!!
Name: John Samuel Fisher
Year of Registration: 1906
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 295
John Fisher abt 1870 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Head Ruardean, Herefordshire
Siny Fisher abt 1870 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Wife Ruardean, Herefordshire
George Fisher abt 1891 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Son Ruardean, Herefordshire
Emily Fisher abt 1893 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Ruardean, Herefordshire
Willis Fisher abt 1895 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Son Ruardean, Herefordshire
Horshorn Fisher abt 1898 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Ruardean, Herefordshire
Mable Fisher abt 1900 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Son Ruardean, Herefordshire
John Fisher abt 1870 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
Emma Fisher abt 1870 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire
George Fisher abt 1891 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Son West Dean, Gloucestershire
Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Sep 1890 (>99%)
Fisher John Monmouth 11a 70
Lear Emily Monmouth 11a 70
1881 Worral Hill
Emma Fisher abt 1844 Gloster, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
John Fisher abt 1870 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son West Dean, Gloucestershire
George Fisher abt 1874 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son West Dean, Gloucestershire
1871 Worrall Hill
Thomas Fox 24
Alice Fox 57
Emily Fisher 29 Widow
Sarah Ann Fisher 5
Year: 1865
Month: May
Day: 28
Groom Surname: FISHER
Groom Forenames: Thomas
Groom Age at Marriage: 24
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Collier
Groom Residence: Lydbrook
Groom Father's Surname: COMBE
Groom Father's Forenames: George
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Collier
Bride Surname: WHITE
Bride Forenames: Emily
Bride Age at Marriage: 24
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession:
Bride Residence: Lydbrook
Bride Father's Surname: ALLAWAY
Bride Father's Forenames: Thomas
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Iron Master
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: he mark she sign
Witness 1: James Lerigo
Witness 2: Hannah Fisher
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: L [illegible]ington
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes: Unable to read signature
Register Reference: P208 IN 1/5
Page No: 29
Parish_Chapel: Lydbrook
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Fisher family
by fisher, Friday, February 13, 2009, 09:38 (5863 days ago) @ unknown
I have just found this website - since yesterday I learned that my great great great grandfather William Fisher was born in Malswick about 1807. He married someone called Mary ten years older than him (according to the census) from Pauntley.
I know this is a long shot - based solely on our names and Gloucestershire - but do you know whether we have a family connection?
Joy Fisher