Marriage of Thomas BALDWIN and Sarah WALDING (General)

by jimashton @, Monday, August 13, 2007, 07:13 (6415 days ago) @ Shirleyanne

Hi Shirley Anne

My main interest is the Marfell family, but have connections via their offspring with most F o D families. I have 9 children for Thomas Baldwin & Sarah & have connections further down the line with most of them :
Thomas 1767, James 1768 married Betty, Moses 1777 married Lucy Marfell,
Joseph 1780 married Sarah Smart, Lydia 1780 married James Roberts, Ephraim married Sarah, Sophia 1789. I did not know of the marriage between Lucy 1771 & Thomas Parsons.

I cannot enter into this posting all of the information I have concerning Thomas Baldwin & Sarah. A descendancy report in my Family Tree from Thomas Baldwin & Sarah, runs to 15 tightly packed pages of A4. If you wish to share information, please send an email to my email link and we can communicate.

Jim Ashton

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