AOL members registration (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, August 19, 2007, 00:57 (6407 days ago)

Forest of Dean Members Website

There is a large number of AOL members who have registered for the Members
Website in order to search the Parish Records but have been unable to complete
the registration as mail from the Web site to AOL members is not being received.

After many communication with AOL I am still having problems getting mail
through to any of their members from the Forest of Dean Web site.

If you are one of the people wishing to complete the registration this can be
done by going to the Contact Us page on the Web site and using the "Help and
Support - Members Area" form.

Make sure you take note of the Tracking number so you can return to the page for
my reply which will include a password so you can log into the site.

Web site now whitelisted with AOL

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, September 14, 2007, 00:43 (6381 days ago) @ admin

After many requests to AOL I have finally got a positive reply from them
informing me that is now listed on their whitelist.

Hopefully AOL members will now be able to receive their password from us when
registering for the Members site.

If you have in the past signed up for the Members site and never received a
password from us then go to the Members area and then click on the "Forgot
Details" link on the left hand menu. Enter the email address you Signed Up with
and a password will be automatically generated and sent to you.

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