Daniel BUTLER 1848 Blakeney -> Yorkshire (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 00:44 (6408 days ago) @ slowhands

1841 Blakeney
Daniel Buster [BUTLER] abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Awre Gloucestershire

Name: Daniel Butler
Year of Registration: 1848
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 11
Page: 476

Daniel Butler abt 1802 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Head Etloe Gloucestershire
Maria Butler abt 1825 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Etloe Gloucestershire
Daniel Butler abt 1849 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Son Etloe Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Butler abt 1850 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Etloe Gloucestershire
William Butler abt 1847 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Son Etloe Gloucesters

1861 Brains Green
Daniel Butter abt 1797 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Head Awre Gloucestershire
Daniel Butter abt 1849 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Son Awre Gloucestershire
George Butter abt 1855 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Son Awre Gloucestershire
William Butter abt 1847 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Son Awre Gloucestershire

Name: Daniel Butler
Name: Emily Dyer
Year of Registration: 1869
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 472

Daniel Bulter abt 1849 Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean Gloucestershire
Emily Bulter abt 1852 Preston, Wiltshire, England Wife East Dean Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Ann Bulter abt 1870 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire

Daniel Butler abt 1848 Gloucestershire, England Head Hoyland Nether Yorkshire
Emily Butler abt 1852 Wiltshire, England Wife Hoyland Nether Yorkshire
Daniel Butler abt 1874 Yorkshire, England Son Hoyland Nether Yorkshire
Elizth. Butlerabt 1870 Gloucestershire, England Daughter Hoyland Nether Yorkshire
Geo. Butler abt 1876 Yorkshire, England Son Hoyland Nether Yorkshire
Martha Butler abt 1873 Gloucestershire, England Daughter Hoyland Nether Yorkshire

Daniel Butler abt 1849 Ayrshire, Gloucestershire, England Head Worsborough Yorkshire
Emily Butler abt 1852 Purton, Wiltshire, England Wife Worsborough Yorkshire
Daniel Butler abt 1874 Castleford, Yorkshire, England Son Worsborough Yorkshire
Elizabeth Butlerabt 1870 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Worsborough Yorkshire
Martha Butler abt 1873 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Worsborough Yorkshire
Emily Butler abt 1889 Worsborough, Yorkshire, England Daughter Worsborough Yorkshire
Fanny Butler abt 1885 Worsborough, Yorkshire, England Daughter Worsborough Yorkshire
George Willie Butler abt 1876 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Son Worsborough Yorkshire
Gertrude Butler abt 1890 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Worsborough Yorkshire
Mary Anne Butler abt 1882 Darton, Yorkshire, England Daughter Worsborough Yorkshire
William Butler abt 1869 Lane End, Gloucestershire, England Boarder Worsborough Yorkshire
Frank Dyer abt 1858 Darfield, Yorkshire, England Visitor Worsborough Yorkshire
Fanny Dyer abt 1860 Flakeley, Gloucestershire, England Visitor Worsborough Yorkshire

Daniel Bather abt 1849 Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England Head Rotherham Yorkshire
Emily Bather abt 1852 Purton, Wiltshire, England Wife Rotherham Yorkshire
Albert Bather abt 1896 Worsborough Bridge, Yorkshire, England Son Rotherham Yorkshire
Frederick Bather abt 1901 Masbrough, Yorkshire, England Son Rotherham Yorkshire
Gertrude Bather abt 1890 Worsborough Bridge, Yorkshire, England Daughter Rotherham Yorkshire
Mary A Bather abt 1882 Worsborough Bridge, Yorkshire, England Daughter Rotherham Yorkshire

William Butler abt 1869 Anderfold, Gloucestershire, England Head Rotherham Yorkshire
Ada Butler abt 1872 High Green, Yorkshire, England Wife Rotherham Yorkshire

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