HIATT family (General)

by bertha, Thursday, August 30, 2007, 09:22 (6396 days ago) @ christinebarnes

You say you're looking for 'John parents'.
I don't see how John fits into your post but maybe it's just me!
Did you leave something out with John in?
Anyway! I've searched the Parish Records and found this marriage which may be the one you're looking for.

record_id 16697
Entry Number 994
Year 1851
Month Sep
Day 28
Groom Surname HYETT
Groom Forename(s) John
Groom Age at Marriage Of Full Age
Groom condition Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession Labourer
Groom Residence Ruardean
Groom Father's Surname Hyett
Groom Father's Forename(s) James
Groom Father's Rank or Profession Labourer
Bride Surname WATKINS
Bride Forename(s) Susanna
Bride Age at Marriage Of Full Age
Bride Condition Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession
Bride Residence Ruardean
Bride Father's Surname Watkins
Bride Father's Forename(s) Edward
Bride Father's Rank or Profession Shoemaker
Licence or Banns Banns
Date of banns
Signature or Mark He signs she marks
Witness 1 Edward Watkins
Witness 2 Lydia Ireland
Other witnesses
Officiating Minister William Penfold
Event type Marriage
Transcriber's Notes The groom signed HIATT
Register Reference P275 IN 1/10
Page No 39
Parish/Chapel Ruardean
Soundex Groom H300
Soundex Bride W325

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