Holy Trinity Church Drybrook Baptism Index (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, September 06, 2007, 20:30 (6388 days ago)

Holy Trinity Church Drybrook
Surname Index of Baptisms
1817 to 1839 & 1860 to 1888

In 1998 Fred Goode published the above titled book. Fred has kindly made the
contents of his book available to the Forest of Dean Family History Web site.

At the time of publishing the book the baptism records covering the period
1839-1861 were not available for him to transcribe. The missing years we have
extracted the details from our own records which were transcribed by May Brace
and Graham Chamberlain and we now have a complete index covering the years

Although we have a full transcripts of the baptism records already on our Web
site, I am sure researchers will find the index very useful.

The index is available on our Members Web site where you can view it
alphabetically or search for an individual surname.

Fred's introduction in the book covers a brief history of the Forest of Dean
which I am sure you find very interesting.

Also, included in his book is a section which lists all the Appointed Clergy
1817 to 1933 plus other Officiating Clergy who carried out services at the
church. This section I have put into a PDF document and is available from our
Miscellaneous Documents page.


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