Hiatt-Duberly (General)

by PaulDub, Saturday, September 22, 2007, 14:06 (6373 days ago) @ christinebarnes


I have mapped most of the Duberley's into my family tree. I can tell you that Elsie Hyatt (b1895, d1963) married Lester Albert Duberley (b1901, d1945) in 1929. Lester was the son of Alfred Thomas Duberley (b1872, d1937) and Ada Lilian Baldwin (b1874, d1944). Lester and Elsie had two children Josephine Molly (b1929) and Frank (b1933, d2000). Josephine married William Sleeman in 1952. I can't find any evidence of Frank getting married.

Paul Duberley

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