GURNEY of Dymock (General)

by johnG, Thursday, October 18, 2007, 00:49 (6347 days ago) @ slowhands

Hi slowhands,

I think you are absolutely right, and provides a name I did not previously know.

I have on record a John Gurney, who married Mary (???), and they had two sons baptised at St. Mary's Church, Dymock. John on 12 November 1826, and Joseph on 28 December 1828. I have no other ionformation on them than that, e.g. date of birth, marriage, death.

So the location, year and Christian name of Msry fits.

As yet I have no more information on John Gurney, husband of Msry, other than in 1826 he was a 'labourer' (Presumably farm labourer) living at Great Netherton, which appears to be an area covered by St. Mary's Church Dymock.

The Dymock connection appears to confirm a growing suspicion the Gurney's I am interested in moved to London in the wake of the Industrial Revolution, and for many years whilst living in Zimbabwe I was confronted with the problem of which of about 10 000 parishes should I be looking at to get back beyond the 1837 Somerset House records.

Now I am living in England and have access to internet things are really moving along, and I am delighted to have found a connection with the glorious county of Gloucestershire, the home of the old 28th of Foot Regiment.

I will try to follow up the Hooper lead, and a million thanks for your help.


Another John Gurney.

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