The Transcriptions Project (General)

by monfamilies, Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 06:34 (6342 days ago) @ grahamdavison


I would love to get the same treatment, but it seems my project of getting parish & church records transcribed, has fallen on deaf ears with the Gwent Records Office. I have my suspisions why my good deeds are being ignored, it is because they are being offered free of charge like yourselves.

We in Gwent have to pay to use our Cameras and are not allowed to photograph microfilm or fiche, and are also not allowed to see the original records that are in these formats. There is a move afoot now that the LDS has been allowed to film all Monmouthshire church records to withdraw all original records from the public.

By hook or by crook I will eventually transcribe all the records that are available, but I am afraid I will not be giving any of these transcripts to the Gwent records office.

Mike John

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