Henry HAWKINS, 1810 Newland (General)

by llangrove, Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 03:58 (6343 days ago) @ slowhands

Dear "Slow"...

Just when I'd given up hope of ever finding them, you perform another one of your miracles! Thank You!

Now, IF you really want to impress me, how about finding Thomas William Hawkins (or Smith) who was born to Harriet Hawkins on 12 October 1883. His baptism as well as my grandfather Albert's were on this site, but both were removed. (???? I'm glad I printed a hard copy of both!!!) Thomas was not with the rest of the family in 1891 or 1901. We have already explored the possibility of him living with Harriet's cousin, Benjamin Hawkins, in Yorkshire. I now have Thomas' birth certificate, the dates don't match.

Some women are never satisfied!

Kind Regards,

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