Immigration from Nottingham c1805 (General)

by smashton, Friday, November 02, 2007, 02:17 (6332 days ago)

Does anyone have any idea how I might find out whether there were lots of people coming from Nottingham at this time or just a few? If the latter, then how might I trace which villages they come from? My Rhodes ancestor came from Notts and, as there seem to be few other Rhodes' in the Forest at this time and the only ones in the 1841 census appear to be descendents, I believe he came alone. But if he came with a friend or two, or as part of a 'recruitment drive', where would their home parishes be noted? By the time he married (in Newland) he is just listed as 'of this parish' By the 1851 census (the first one to list POB) if he had any fellow travellers they may have died.

The IGI suggests that the only Thomas Rhodes' born at approximately the right time in Nottinghamshire (c1785) are from a village called Hucknall Torkard (7m from Nottingham) so I suppose the reverse of the above question is 'does anyone else have ancestors who they have traced back to Hucknall Torkard around 1800?'

Thanks for any ideas/ suggestions.

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