Edward Arthur Clark- the disappearing man (General)

by Annie, Thursday, November 08, 2007, 09:49 (6325 days ago)

I am looking for information regarding Arthur Edward Clark who disappeared without trace following the birth in Lydney of his daughter Florence Marjorie Clark on 9th April 1895. Family legend has it that he told no-one he was leaving and no-one saw him board a bus or a train but that his remains were rumoured to have been found in the Forest many years later, but this could have been pure speculation!
Arthur (as he was known) was born in Wandsworth on 22nd April 1866 and married Margaret Evans in the Wesleyan chapel, Hungerford in March 1894.
At the time of his daughter's birth Arthur was a "Master Baker" running one of the family businesses in Springhill, Lydney.
Florence Marjorie is referred to in her grandfather, Benjamin Clark's, will of 1901 and I know that she was bought up by her aunt and husband (W.R. and Ellen Davies) who moved to Cardiff. Despite extensive searches I have not been able to find any record of the death of either Arthur or Margaret Clark.
Any clues would be much appreciated.

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