MORGANS in Cinderford/Drybrook Parish (General)

by wamorgan ⌂ @, USA, Sunday, November 11, 2007, 04:30 (6323 days ago)

Hi everyone,

I recently tracked my great grandfather to Forest Church. I just wanted to see if there is anyone out there that might have a connection to the family. As with many families at the time, there were many children.

Edward and Elizabeth (Betsy; Waite) Morgan
Mary Jane b. abt. 1859
Edward b. 1863
George b. 1866
William b. 8 June 1868
Henry b. 1871
Julia Bertha b. 1874
Rosina b. 1874
Alfred b. 1876
Arthur b. 1879

There was also a John and Rebecca in the house in the 1861 census. Except for William, the other dates are from the Drybrook baptisms. They were close to the dates that I had used from the census, so I am using them until I have more confirmation.

I also find a marriage in 1867, which confuses me, but is still worth investigating, so I've ordered the record.

Again, if anyone knows of a connection, I would be very interested. I believe most of the family except William stayed in the UK.

Thank you,
Wendy Morgan

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