John PRIEST 1837 Newland +family pt2 (General)

by shepway @, Monday, November 19, 2007, 04:19 (6315 days ago) @ slowhands

William PRIEST, widower who married Mary HARRIS is not William who married Hannah CULLIS. This is William and Hannah in 1851:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
2444 0237 067 Breams Eaves PREIST William HD M 52 Labourer GLS West Dean
2444 0237 067 Breams Eaves PREIST Annah WI M 42 - GLS Newland
2444 0237 067 Breams Eaves PREIST Tabitha DA U 15 - GLS West Dean
2444 0237 067 Breams Eaves PREIST Zacharias SO - 10 - GLS West Dean
2444 0237 067 Breams Eaves PREIST Thomas SO - 7 - GLS West Dean


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