Aston family (General)

by Carolyn, Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 07:09 (6306 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim

Thanks for the information, and I am very pleased to hear about Rhoda. I was aware of Rhoda - she is the sister of our Aston Grandfather James b 1858 ie the Great Aunt of my husband. I thought she was rather interesting as I believe although she was born on 5 Nov 1865 she was not christened until 14 Apr 1881 (Forest of Dean records). And I didn't know what happened to her after that - the photo of her in-laws is fascinating, are you descended from the Marfells?

And thanks for the info on James the Freeminer registered 2.1.1875 (my husband's Great Grandfather). I don't think the other James you mention is a close relative although he may well be related from way back (there are so many Astons in the Forest of Dean!)

Best wishes


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