Zillah SMITH 1892 Broadwell Lane End (General)

by fredb, Sunday, December 02, 2007, 04:27 (6301 days ago) @ fredb

As usual I got a lot wrong It was Ronald Glyn Beach, and he married Mary Angela King in the FOD 1949. I guessed the date they died in a car crash was when I was very young, but they died in 1970 in Abingdon, I believe they had just returned from America? Holiday? Do any of you locals remember anything about these people? I knew a Mr King who lived at Christchurch.

Zillah and Ernie's other child Maureen who married Graham Hose, they seem to have been given rather exotic names to their children. Mallory and Richenda, again does this ring any bells among you Foresters. I'll have to ask around Coleford. cheers Fred.

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