Monmouthshire Transcriptions Website Address Change (General)

by Karen Watcham, Sunday, December 09, 2007, 01:08 (6295 days ago) @ monfamilies


I'm new to this site and I've come into this looking for my good friends Grandma who died in 1912.

She died in a small village in South Wales but I'm finding it impossible to find her final resting place.

Both Caerphilly and Gwent Councils say she isn't listed in their burial records, and the nearest graveyard to where she lived sits on top of a mountain just off the Rhymney Valley Footpath and none of the Councils seem to know anything about the derelict chapel. In fact most people have never heard of its existence despite the fact that the chapel survived until around the 1960's.

What is very frustrating is that we can't just go and have a look at parish records in some of the churches without being charged. We know exactly when Grandma died so there wouldn't be a lot of searching involved, but it could work out very costly if we had to pay for every local church to search its records.

How I feel at the moment is that it would be worth every penny of a £20 donation to the church that finds her. I think I've already spent that on travel costs ha ha.

Keep up with your good work though.
Best regards,

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