Josiah in 1851 ? (General)

by shepway @, Thursday, December 13, 2007, 12:11 (6290 days ago) @ slowhands

This is the entry from GFHS transcript:

Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
2444 0038 072 Platwell House JONES Samuel HD M 48 Shoemaker & Farms 60A.E1L GLS Newland
2444 0038 072 Platwell House JONES Maria WI M 45 Farmer's Wife GLS Huesfield [Hewelsfield]
2444 0038 072 Platwell House JONES Louesa DA U 16 Assists Mother GLS Newland
2444 0038 072 Platwell House JONES Jonah SO - 11 Scholar GLS Newland
2444 0038 072 Platwell House JONES Milson SO - 9 Scholar GLS Newland
2444 0038 072 Platwell House JONES George SO - 5 Scholar GLS Newland

I have looked at the original and believe Jonah should read Josiah and have flagged it to GFHS.


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