Sorting out Meeks at Ruardean (General)

by unknown, Friday, December 14, 2007, 03:58 (6290 days ago)

I was looking through the forum regarding a message on another topic when I came across messages from a couple of months ago with warnings about distinguishing similarly named MEEK families. I'm having problems with this too and I thought I'd ask if anyone had sorted this one out.

I'm interested in the Joseph MEEK of Ruardean who married Ann HARRIS in 1779. Witnesses at the marriage were Francis MEEK and Joseph HARPER.

They had children John, Joseph, Hannah, Ann, Henry, William, Sarah, Lucy and George between 1780 and 1801 all baptised at Ruardean.

I'm interested in knowing who Joseph's parents were. Joseph's age at burial in 1819 was 69 giving an approximate dob of 1750. Even if I limit myself to considering only Ruardean events (not necessarily a wise decision), I still end up with the following.

Joseph son of James and Elizabeth 24 Jan 1741
Joseph son of Francis and Rachel 9 Nov 1746
Joseph son of William and Alice 10 May 1747
Joseph son of John and Elizabeth 10 Dec 1749
Joseph son of James and Elizabeth 29 Jul 1750

Is this a lost cause? Is there any way for me to distinguish my Joseph from these others (assuming he was baptised at Ruardean)? My favourite is father being Francis to match up to the witness at marriage. But Joseph doesn't name a son Francis but does use the names John and William. Since Joseph doesn't name a daughter after any of these mothers it seems a bit odd.

Any advice?

Regards, Irene

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