Members Website - problem (General)

by monfamilies, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 00:39 (6274 days ago)

Hi All Members

I wish to ask other members, as I dont seem to be getting anywhere with the admin. if you are experiencing any problems when adding surnames to the ADD SURNAMES feature in the Members Website.

First of all I have been using the Internet for over 10 years, and been a member of hundreds of Forums where you need to Sign in & out with a username & password. My Yahoo group has the same feature. I also have a good understanding of how computers work, and I know that a feature in Interent Options allows you delete cookies and passwords which stops your browser from remembering websites you have visited.

On the F.O.D website you have to have a seperarte password to post messages on this Forum than you do to use features on the Members Website, personally I dont see the point especially as it is a FREE website, but that is not for me to decide.

Okay so I have explained that I have some basic understanding of how to log in to this site, I am writing this message so that means I am logged in to the Forum, I am also logged in to the Members Website which should mean I can use all features available. I have searched the parish records this morning and have also searched the surname database, but when I want to add my own surnames to the database, I am being asked for my username & password. This should NOT be happening, as I am already logged in to the Members Website. When I write in my username & password I get a 401 error which means the site does not recognice me, but I can still use other features in the Members Website.

There is something wrong with this part of the website, you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work this out. I will state it again if I am logged in to the Members Website and can use features such as parish records and the surname database, then why cant I add my own surnames, unless you need another password to activate just this feature, because that is how it appears to me.

All I am asking members to do is try it out and tell me if you get the same problem, I will also send an email to anyone if they wish via the surname database, to show you I am logged in.

Please Admin do not lock this message, I wish to get the experience of other members to resolve this problem I am having.

Thanks Mike

Members Website - problem

by Olwyn @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 00:49 (6274 days ago) @ monfamilies

I have tried out the same procedure and the same thing happens to me even though I am logged in to the members website and can access other things.

Members Website - problem

by monfamilies, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 01:40 (6274 days ago) @ Olwyn

Thanks Olwyn

So I am not on my own.


Surname Interests

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 02:16 (6274 days ago) @ Olwyn

The original link appears to point to a "404 page not found"

now trying to access through the Members Website, asks me for a password/username , which I gave ( using my Members sign in combination) and then I was able to search for a surname !

so apart from the "extra" log in ( to the members/records area) it seems to be behaving :-)

example :- Herbert

Herbert Ruardean Died 1707 James Phillips-Evans send an email
Herbert Ruardean 1800-1900 Michael Webb send an email
Herbert Gloucestershire 1800 Maeve send an email
Herbert Gloucestershire 1700-2007 Jean Herbert send an email
Herbert Gloucestershire/Yorkshire any Jean Herbert send an email

Now adding seems to be a different matter ! I too am prompted for an extra username/password which seems to be to access "My Private Directory" :-( at this point I get 401 - authentication required - errors

<Admin is (about +9 hours) out of sync with Monmouthshire; so i guess Dave will look at this when he gets a chance>

Surname Interests

by monfamilies, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 03:21 (6274 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks Slowhands

I was trying to sort out the problem earlier today with Dave, but kept getting the same problem.

This feature of the Members website seems not to be activated to recognice anyones log in details.


Tried to reproduce the problem

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 03:22 (6274 days ago) @ monfamilies

I have two computers running XP, one with IE browser version 6 and one with version 7 and Firefox. Also, I have a Macintosh with a variety of Browsers on it. Tried to reproduce the problem you are having on all the machines and using all the browsers but I've been unable to do so.

Are you running Vista and or additional security software on your computer?

Does an error message appear, if so what is it?

PS. Other people besides myself must also be accessing the form as I've received regular submissions that are being successfully added to the Surname database.

PSS. 9 hours out of sync

Tried to reproduce the problem

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 03:42 (6274 days ago) @ admin


I'm still in the dark ages running a stable Win 2000 with IE6 ! , and McAfee virus/security protection...


Tried to reproduce the problem

by Simone @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 03:45 (6274 days ago) @ admin


I've had a few goes, going around the site in various directions, and try as I might, I can't add either. I can go to forum, search parish records, search surname database, but definitely prompts me for password when I try to 'add'.

The login box pops up, and when I out in my details it will not accept them. If I cancel the box, I get the same error message as Slowhands, '401 - authentication errors'

Simone x

Tried to reproduce the problem

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 04:06 (6274 days ago) @ Simone


Are you running Vista and or additional security software on your computer?

Members Website - problem

by monfamilies, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 05:12 (6273 days ago) @ monfamilies


I dont wish to get in to arguement over this simple issue, but with a few other people experiencing the same problem why are you trying to put the blame on the equipment we are using, it is obvious the problem lies with you at your end.

I really think you have overcomplicated the way members access this website. I am a member of quite a few other forums, and the process of logging in & out of a website/forum is not that difficult to understand.

Operating systems, Browsers & Firewalls are not going to effect the way you join a web forum or log in & out of one. I in fact have XP and run Zone Alram and use IE7.

What I dont understand is that you are simply ignoring the fact we can access the members website and use all the features except adding surnames. so dont you think that is odd.

I dont want to bother arguing about this feature anymore, you are in the position of solving it, but you are adamant it is our fault.


Tried to reproduce the problem

by Simone @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 05:13 (6273 days ago) @ admin


I have Windows XP, Explorer 7. I have cleared internet history etc and I have tried using Firefox, and Netscape version 9, but still won't work. Nothing has changed on computer since I last went into it, but must admit that was a while ago.



Members Website - problem

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 05:22 (6273 days ago) @ monfamilies

>>>>it is obvious the problem lies with you at your end.

Steady on - I get the feeling Dave is gathering as much background as he can to help diagnose a problem; some users appear to be able to add records to the database others do not. Those who cannot appear to be being prompted for another log-in / authentication. Strange behaviour but there are numerous hidden handshakes going on in the background to establish "who we are".... There is a real difference between trusting a client to search and trusting a client to add records :-)

I imagine that the Server app is working a little harder to verify the client is still a valid Member when the Add option is selected and is not getting a valid response from the client. That could be because my desktop client is not responding correctly < o/s browser, firewall etc interaction>, or the server questioning is wrong, or correct question and answer but the server still is confused :-(

I've not spotted any "blame" or finger pointing from Admin, just some open questions - What is the error message ? What o/s, browser, firewall, etc :-)

Members Website - problem

by ChrisW @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 08:06 (6273 days ago) @ slowhands

Cor Blimey! What happened to the Christmas spirit from last week then?!

I have Windows XP and the message box I am getting reads:

The server at My Private Directory requires a username and password.

Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection).

It then shows a log in box:

User name: (it gave me the options of e mail addresses used on my computer)

I am getting the Error Message: Error 401 Authentication required

Happy New Year

Members Website - problem

by Jean Pritchard, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 08:54 (6273 days ago) @ monfamilies

Hi Members

I am also experiencing the problem of not being able to add names to the website. I have tried using IE and FireFox.

Jean Pritchard

Members Website - problem

by Barbara Lloyd @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 11:33 (6273 days ago) @ Jean Pritchard

I am having the same problem. I am running Windows XP. This is the first
time I have tried to add surnames since the new registration system.

Hope this helps. I can be patient,

Barbara Lloyd

Tried to reproduce the problem

by reporter, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 12:23 (6273 days ago) @ admin

I get the problems too. Running XP sp2, Firefox, AVG antivirus and Zone Alarm Pro firewall (NOT Windows!)

Hope this helps.

Bob Jenkins

Members Website - problem

by shepway @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 22:51 (6273 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd

I also experienced the problem but it would appear that someone has cast their magic spell and all now appears to be well.

Cheers and very best wishes for 2008

Problem appears to be solved

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 22:57 (6273 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd

As you no doubt will be aware as you have been using a computer for a number of
years that everything does not always work in harmony and conflicts occur and
very often that causes a program to freeze or crash and so on.

Now enter the world of a Web site server and the Internet and the possible
conflicts multiply a hundred fold as we have to cater for so many things, such
as people accessing with different operating systems, browsers, security
software and much more.

In this instance some people are unable to access a particular web page, others
have no problems getting to it. So I ask a few questions to determine why this
is so in order to try and pin point what is causing it to be like this.

Next step is to work out from the information I received what was stopping
access to this page and if I can change some configuration on my side to prevent
this happening. I believe I discovered the reason and I've made some changes so
we are now back in harmony.

A couple of people who previously could not access the page have tested
accessing it again since I made the changes and their reports back are that
everything is now working fine.

Problem appears to be solved

by reporter, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 23:01 (6273 days ago) @ admin

Works for me now. Must remember what I wanted to enter!

Thanks admin

Bob Jenkins

Problem appears to be solved

by Barbara Lloyd @, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 23:04 (6273 days ago) @ admin

Thank you very much Mr. Watkins - Administrator of the First Order.
You are nominated in my Honours List, for keeping this site in perfect working order.


Barbara Lloyd

Problem appears to be solved

by bertha, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 23:30 (6273 days ago) @ admin

I'd just like to thank you for all your hard work over the last year in running this website.
I for one would have been perfectly happy to have waited until the festive season was over, before you sorted out this latest problem, but like the trooper you are, you took time out over the Christmas and New Year period to sort things out, when I'm sure you had much better things to do!!
Many thanks again for all your hard work that makes this site as special as it is.

Problem appears to be solved

by monfamilies, Monday, December 31, 2007, 03:29 (6273 days ago) @ bertha

Thank you Mr Watkins it works oaky now.


Mike John

Problem appears to be solved

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Monday, December 31, 2007, 05:50 (6272 days ago) @ monfamilies


Problem appears to be solved

by Simone @, Monday, December 31, 2007, 08:21 (6272 days ago) @ admin

Thank you Dave

I'm ok too:)

Simone x

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