Alfred Turner born Sept 1880 in Oldcroft West Dean (General)

by rob5, Sunday, January 06, 2008, 06:46 (6266 days ago)

I am trying to find out what happened to Alfred Tuner after 1901. In the census he was recorded as living at Oldcroft with his parents but I have not been able to find any marriage or death record for him. There is a baptism record for Mildred Faith Turner at Viney Hill on 26 March 1911 with the father named Alfred but I do not Know if this is the same person.

I am interested in Alfred Turner as I think he may be my Grandfather. My Grandfathers name was Alfred Johnson but he changed his name from Turner around the time of the first world war and he died in 1962 at the age of 81, making his DOB abt1880.

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