Morgan /Howe Families (General)

by rheola, Tuesday, January 08, 2008, 09:56 (6264 days ago)

Hello ,
I'm trying to find any information about one of my sets of 3xgreatgrandparents .
Edward Morgan married Elizabeth Howe on January 20th 1828 at Newland.According to census information Edward was born at Garway Hereford.I found an Edward Morgan on the IGI ..... born 20/8/1805 to parents Thomas Morgan and Anne Prosser . I found Edwards' death on this website , he died at Monmouth Union Workhouse on July 29th 1876.This is all I've managed to find so far !
Elizabeth Howe is another matter, census information puts her birth as abt 1807 at Newland , she was buried on 15/6/1859 aged 53 yrs.this is all I've been able to find about her as yet .
There are an awful lot of Morgan's around the area and I've been trying to find out if Edward came from Hereford as a young man , or did he come as a child complete with the rest of the which case , some of the Morgans' could be siblings !!
If anyone has these people in their tree , ANY snippet of information would be much appreciated
Thanks a lot
Regards rheola

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