Samel Charles Henry Niblett Family (General)

by anthea, Sunday, January 27, 2008, 07:49 (6245 days ago) @ anthea

hi its me again with more info on my niblett family.
I understand that there was a Fred or Frederick Niblett born around 1900 ,who lived in ROCK COTTAGE Coleford which was opposite a pub ? right up untill the 70's. His first wife died of senile dementure -they had a daugher Doreen. His second wife used to play the organ in the church(possible Christchurch). I dont have any details as to the wives names or anything else .I have looked on the parish records and he is not mentioned,although some of the other children of Samuel and Eliza are.

Other info- Beatrice Fanny Niblett born 1899-was looked after by a family named - Gunters after her mother died in 1910 as her father Samuel could not cope with all the children.

Father - Samuel Charles Henry worked as a gardener for a big house in Ross ?.
Can anyone help again please.
Many thanks

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