Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean (General)

by hullforester, Sunday, January 27, 2008, 09:49 (6244 days ago)

Hi Hullforester back again, a bit of a busy year 2007, anyhow need help (again!)

First Mary Yearsby who married my ancestor William Marfell b. 1653 of Mitcheldean but Mary's origins are a mystery.

The Teagues of Ruardean, I have traced them to an Edward Teague b. 1672 and his wife Eleanor Roberts.

Any info welcome!


Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by maurice @, Monday, January 28, 2008, 00:08 (6244 days ago) @ hullforester

Could this be Mary Yearsley baptised 4/12/1636 daughter of William and Elizabeth.Baptism at Ruardean.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by maurice @, Monday, January 28, 2008, 02:04 (6244 days ago) @ maurice

Further to my earlier suggestion that Mary's name might well be Yearsley,I have been digging in the parish records and find that Marfell is manifested in various forms ie.Marfield/Morfield/Mortfield etc very confusing but as most of these people could neither read or write it was left to the cleric to record.I believe I may have traced some of the records which appear to fit the bill but there is no way of proving them.
My interest was aroused by your reference to the Teagues of Ruardean as I am a Teague and have also traced my family back to Edward Teague and Eleanor Roberts and possibly one more step back but with no proof.Yearsleys and Marfells figure again later in my family tree.What is your connection please.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by hullforester, Monday, January 28, 2008, 04:42 (6244 days ago) @ maurice

Hi Maurice

Who's parents are they? Edward's or Eleanor's?

I am a descentant of Edward and Eleanor's son James b. 1715-d.1760



Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jimashton @, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 02:20 (6243 days ago) @ hullforester

Hi All

I believe there is a typo in the Parish Record transcription re John/Stephen Yearsley. The work of another researcher in connection with Yearsley Family History I mentioned previously I kept for years, but now when I need it, I appear to have deleted it.

The spelling of the name is however YEARSLEY. A regular contributor to this site investigated this thoroughly :

Dear Mr Phillips-Evans

Ruardean Parish Register Entry
Thank you for your email.
A member of staff checked the parish register for Ruardean in question (P275 IN 1/1) although the condition of the register is very poor - being shades of brown as opposed to the shades of grey as on the microfilm - and is virtually impossible to read in places.

The marriage you are interested in is located in a particularly poor
section of the register but by using an ultraviolet lamp, we were able to
decipher the name and can confirm that it does read YEARSLEY.

Have also noticed the entry seven lines below regarding the baptism o f John Marfield, (presumably) the first son of William and Mary, on the 5th November 1676. I presume that you have seen it but thought that I would draw it to your attention in case you had not.

I hope that this is of help to you but please contact me again if the
Record Office can be of further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

John Putley
Archives Assistant

You are right, the parents of William Marfell 1653 were William Marfell born about 1625 and Elizabeth, they married in 1652 and they had 6 children, Elizabeth died and was buried in Ruardean 31.10.1680, William married again to Elizabeth Meredith 16.11.1681. I believe the parents of William Marfell born abt 1625 to be John Marfell & Elizabeth.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jacki, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 03:04 (6243 days ago) @ hullforester

hi great found someone with the same family history would be great if i could get some help on this .

regards jacki.
family names teague, rooke, west, saunders

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jimashton @, Monday, January 28, 2008, 04:51 (6244 days ago) @ maurice

Hi Maurice

As in my other reply, my main interest is the Marfell Family and note that the family had their name spelt a number of ways, for the very reason you suggest - they could not write themselves. I have shown all 1446 Marfell's in my Family tree as Marfell, regardless of the spelling found on various Parish Registers. Note the Meek family used to be Mook, Brain often found as Brayne, as for the Treherne family, you can imagine the countless possibilities.

I have a lot of connections with the Teague family; Ann Teague 1781 married Moses Marfell, Laura Eliza Teague 1867 married Francis Raymond Marfell, Frank Teague born abt. 1908 married Minnie Marfell. Returning officer Edward Teague 1835 married Mary Boughton, their daughter Susan Jane Teague married William Baldwin. If you follow back 4 generations from William Baldwin, you reach one of my 4 times great grandparents William Herbert who married Margaret Wood.

Jim Ashton

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by hullforester, Monday, January 28, 2008, 05:07 (6244 days ago) @ jimashton

Thanks Jim

I am the grandson of Moses and Ann (Teague) Marfell

The parents of William Marfell. 1653, are poss. William Marfell . 1630 of Mitcheldean and his wife Elizabeth.


Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by maurice @, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 00:02 (6243 days ago) @ jimashton

My!oh my!This appears to have sparked a lot of interest.It would appear that I have connections with both Jim Ashton and Hullforester.Firstly I have possibly the parents of Edward [Eleanor] as being Thomas and Bridget Teague but as yet not proven.
Iam also a descendant of James Teague and Hannah ??? who were the parents of what Ralph Anstis describes as The Industrial Teagues of The Forest of Dean in his book.Ralph only mentions 3 of this family James 1750/1818 George 1753/1819 and Thomas 1757/1812 although I believe there were Edward 1752/1758 and Hannah 1759/????.My line is through George Who married Hannah Martin and their youngest son Edward who married Ann Tingle.
The other children of this pair were as follows
Sarah,Ann who married Moses Marfell,Lucy,Cornelius, Abiah who married William Yearsley,George,and James.So Jim,Hullforester and myself have links.I also follow connecting lines to my extended family and have quite a bit of information where I have deviated to follow possible leads.
I have located the gravestones of Edward and Eleanor in Ruardean churchyard and my brother has cleared the area which had become overgrown,it is a large plot.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jacki, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 03:18 (6243 days ago) @ maurice

George and Hannah are decendents of mine would be great if you could help finally found a connection. regards jacki

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jimashton @, Monday, January 28, 2008, 04:39 (6244 days ago) @ hullforester

Hi Hull Forrester & Others who have replied.

My main interest is the Marfell Family, but I do tend to trace parents and siblings of spouses, sometimes too far back for my own good !!
In my family tree the parents of Mary Yearsley who married William Marfell 1653 were John Yearsley 1625 & Mary Hardwicke who married Ruardean 2.11.1641, John Yearsley's parents Stephen Yearsley & Elizabeth Baddam who married Ruardean 10.5.1625, Stephen's father Joseph Yearsley 1559, Joseph's father Franciscus Yearsley. All the above was received from another Yearsley researcher.

Jim Ashton

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by reporter, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 00:42 (6243 days ago) @ jimashton

Wish you'd stop doing this to me, Jim!! Mary Yearsby was my 7th gtgrandmother and I had nothing on her previously - many thanks for the pointers.

OOOps - should it be YEARSLEY?
bob jenkins

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by reporter, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 01:21 (6243 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim

Was it a typo? I've just checked John Yearsley for birth and parents and it looks like HE was married to Elizabeth Baddam, in 1625, not his father Stephen. He was, however, born in that year, of father Stephen.....

record_id 15994
Entry Number 291
Year 1625
Month May
Day 10
Groom Surname YEARSLEY
Groom Forename(s) John
Groom Age at Marriage
Groom condition
Groom Rank or Profession
Groom Residence
Groom Father's Surname
Groom Father's Forename(s)
Groom Father's Rank or Profession
Bride Surname BADDAM
Bride Forename(s) Elizabeth
Bride Age at Marriage
Bride Condition
Bride Rank or Profession
Bride Residence
Bride Father's Surname
Bride Father's Forename(s)
Bride Father's Rank or Profession
Licence or Banns
Date of banns
Signature or Mark
Witness 1
Witness 2
Other witnesses
Officiating Minister
Event type Marriage
Transcriber's Notes
Register Reference P275 IN 1/1
Page No 73
Parish_Chapel Ruardean


record_id 51636
Entry Number 1301
Year 1625/26
Month Feb
Day 2
Parents Surname YEARSLEY
Child Forename(s) John
Father's Forename(s) Stephen
Mother's Forename(s)
Mother's Surname
Place of Residence
Officiating Minister
Event type Baptism
Register Reference P275 IN 1/1
Page No 74
Parish_Chapel Ruardean



Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by maurice @, Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 00:56 (6242 days ago) @ reporter

Ann Teague who married Moses Marfell in 1799 was my GGG aunt.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by hullforester, Sunday, February 03, 2008, 03:37 (6238 days ago) @ maurice

Hullforester back.

Does anyone know the occupation of George Teague 1753-1819, grandfather of Edmund Marfell, he is said to be an "Industrial Teague" any info helpful.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by maurice @, Monday, February 04, 2008, 23:58 (6236 days ago) @ hullforester

George Teague 1753-1819 was my GGGG grandfather,he was one of the Industrial Teagues of the Forest of Dean as named by Ralph Anstis in his book on the Teagues.They were James,George and Thomas and were all involved in mining[coal and iron],quarrying,transport[carting in those days] and farming.They were highly successful in their business despite many run ins with the authorities but always came out on top.George managed to overcome all sorts of legal action despite the fact that he could neither read or write.He was aman of some note as in the Parish records of his burial at Ruardean he is recorded as MR George Teague,an unusual occurence in those days as this title was usually reserved for Gentry.He was regarded as a rich man although brother James was even more prosperous,Thomas slightly less so.

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jimashton @, Tuesday, February 05, 2008, 05:49 (6236 days ago) @ maurice

Hi Maurice

The business accumen and the disputes with large companies must run in the family, George Teague's great grandson Hiram Marfell, son of Edmund emigrated to USA in the 1870's. I have a copy of his biography published by the Denver PB. It starts off "Hiram MARFELL, who is a successful mine operator and is the owner of valuable coal lands about two and a-half miles south of Erie, Weld County" the report runs to 1.5 pages of A4. The person I received it from has added - "NOTE: This biography was compiled from interviews with Hiram and therefore may have been embellished somewhat". One of Hiram's disputes was with the Union Pacific Railway - US Supreme Court, Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Goodridge & Marfell, coal merchants, 149 US 680 (1893) May 15, 1893
In this case the railway is being sued for "unjust discrimination in freight costs." The plaintiffs won a settlement of $5,184.30 but the railway appealed the verdict. We have no further information at this time.

i would be happy to email the Biography to anyone interested, if you use the link to contact me.

I visited Colorado in September 2001 (having been to the top of the World trade Center, New York earlier) but did not know any of this information at the time. I have since received pictures of Marfell Court & Marfell Drive road signs in Erie Colorado.

One interesting thing about Hiram is that his birth was registered twice at both Ross & Westbury, I have copies of both certificates.

Jim Ashton

Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jacki, Tuesday, February 05, 2008, 07:53 (6236 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim

would appreciate a copy of the biography as george 1753 is my family line as with Murice.


Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by jimashton @, Wednesday, February 06, 2008, 05:16 (6235 days ago) @ jacki

Happy to do that Jacki, but first you will have to send me an email, by clicking on the envelope next to my name, the email will reach me via the forum.


Mary Yearsby and the Teagues of Ruardean

by yearsleytree @, Monday, February 18, 2008, 13:58 (6222 days ago) @ hullforester

This is not about Mary Yearsley and the Teagues. But for your interest,there is also one William Yearsley (b)April 14, 1786 (d)June 23, 1853, Ruardean who married one Abiah Teague (b) March 09, 1788,Ruardean on August 14, 1813 Ruardean children of the marriage are Edwin Yearsley for one. Parents of Abiah Teague are George Teague and Hannah Martin. I do not have any other info on this line at the moment.

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