Gloucestershire County Gaol records George Priest (General)
Have been trying to find a George Priest born 1839 as he disappears from census records. Have found a George Priest in gaol in 1861 and wonder if it is him as he is shown as miner from Bream. Ref at the county council website was 1861 George Priest Q/Gc6/4. Can I get details anywhere online or do I have to send of for details from the county council archives.
Any advice would be appreciated.
alison priest
Gloucestershire County Gaol records George Priest
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, January 28, 2008, 20:00 (6244 days ago) @ priest
associated thread
You need to apply to the Records Office
or for a CD containing some misc records....
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Gloucestershire County Gaol records George Priest
by priest , Monday, January 28, 2008, 22:57 (6244 days ago) @ slowhands
Thanks. Application in post!
alison priest
Gloucestershire County Gaol records George Priest
by Simone , Monday, January 28, 2008, 22:40 (6244 days ago) @ priest
Ooh that looks good Alison:)
Wonder if Ann was fibbing about him being at home with her on the 1861 :(
Simone x
Gloucestershire County Gaol records George Priest
by priest , Monday, January 28, 2008, 23:03 (6244 days ago) @ Simone
A possible. If it was him obviously he got out to marry Elizabeth and have the children (if they were his)but if it was him perhaps he got into trouble again somewhere and ended up back in gaol and that is why he disappears from 1871 onwards and Elizabeth is shown head and married until 1891 when she is shown as widow. Probably clutching at straws but have sent of the application to see the record.
Alison x
Gloucestershire County Gaol records George Priest
by Shaun, Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 22:31 (299 days ago) @ priest
George Priest emigrated to America in 1870 to a place called Telluride, Colorado where he worked as a gold miner. He was eventually joined by his wife and son Randel. He dies in 1906. Hope that helps. I have A LOT of information on him and his family. Shaun.
George Preest & George Jenkins acquitted at court!
by priest , Monday, February 04, 2008, 06:04 (6237 days ago) @ priest
George Preest & George Jenkins acquitted at court!
Records from Gloucester gaol for 1861 show George Preest and George Jenkins both miners from Bream charged with killing a calf with intent to steal part of the carcass. Appeared at court 20th August, 1861 and remanded in custody to quarter sessions on 16th October, 1861 when they were both acquitted and released. Their conduct whilst in prison being noted as orderly.
George Jenkins aged 29 in 1861 appears to be George Priest's neighbour living at Sun? Green, Bream with wife Caroline and children Fanny & Maria. Will happily supply full details to anyone interested.
I am sure that they only killed the calf to feed their families so a happy ending at least. A real eye-opener to read the sentences passed out to some of the other unhappy souls on the rest of the court extract.
alison priest
George Preest & George Jenkins acquitted at court!
by Shaun, Sunday, May 11, 2014, 21:18 (3949 days ago) @ priest
Hello Alison
Did you ever discover what happened to George Priest/Preest? Why he disappeared from the census records? I have been busy putting together a decent tree and would be interested to know. I believe I talked to you many moons ago about the Priest family.
Kind regards