Almhouses Newland (General)

by k0065126, Monday, January 28, 2008, 13:36 (6243 days ago) @ Simone

There are 2 sets of almshouses in Newland, Jones's Almshouses as already mentioned, and Bell's almshouses which were built a few years later, (about 1750?) on the other side of the church directly opposite the Ostrich Inn. They housed 12 men and 12 women. The church is in the centre of a square with the main road running past the Ostrich Inn on one side, then turn right to go past the Lecturer's House, (the Lecturer was a clergyman), up to Newland House where the squire lived. Then turn right again to go past Bell's Grammar School, endowed by the same Mr Bell, and right again past Bell's Almshouses and back to the Ostrich.
Jones's Almshouse should appear on HO107/365/5/4/2 between the Lecturer's House and Newland House, but it does not!
Bell's Almshouse should appear at the top of HO107/365/5/5/4, just before the Ostrich, and it also does not!
It looks as if the paupers were not considered important enough by the census enumerator to be included!


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