Henry Brain or Henry Herbert? (General)

by patb, Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 08:48 (6243 days ago) @ Jean Herbert

Hello jean
My husband is Grt Grandson of Amelia and Dennis Herbert
When they moved to Batley about 1874 they left Henry and Albert behind, they then had 4 girls, Frances, Georgina, Elvina, Louisa Selina'
Albert came to Baltey by 1891 and married Emily Waite and he died about 1898 leaving Emily widow with a son Sidney.
My husband's grandmother was Louisa Selina Herbert, who he knew well but he had no idea about her brothers.
Dennis was a coal miner but later listed as Green Grocer.
I have info on all girl children if you are interested.
I am interested in what you know of Henry and Albert, it is only recently that we knew they existed
Do you know where Henry was in 1901? I don't know anyhting about Waites except they were in Batley by 1891 but not it appears by 1901

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