Forum dates are not in order newest to oldest (General)

by John Rudge, Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 02:39 (6242 days ago)

My comment is realy not about the two things being mushed togeather. My comment is about the Forum and the index to it. I find it hard to tell what's what. Dates are not in order newest to oldest or i'm not getting the thing threaded or flipped in its proper order.
Time was when I could and did go to the forum each morning and look at the new posts and scan down the red marked messages if I found one or two to be of intrest I opened them. Later in the same day if I looked again ... if there had been no additions all the previous red marked were no longer marked. ......So at a glance I could tell if any new had been added since last there.
I do like your site and all its information and all the great people involved.

[admin -This posting moved from 'Parish Records log-in being amalgamated" to this new thread as it is a different subject]

You can choose between date or last reply order

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 04:10 (6242 days ago) @ John Rudge

Click on the 'Order' option where you can choose between date or last reply order. This means that the at the top of the page the latest thread that was started will display, or the thread with the latest reply will display and they will then run down the page in which ever option you have choosen.

The dates within a thread will not always run in order as it is not designed to be that way. You will notice that there may be more than one set of indentations in a thread, this is to show who replied to whom.

If you see any postings at the top of the page with a red dot next to it, this is what is called a sticky post. Any message I choose to make sticky will always stay at the very top of the page before your own view options are applied.

You can choose between date or last reply order

by Simone @, Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 06:05 (6242 days ago) @ admin


Can you make it stay on the order you want? Whenever I come on to the forum it is always in latest reply order, and so I always change it to latest message order. Anyway to make it stick so it's like that when I come back again?


Simone x

How your forum view options are saved

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:10 (6242 days ago) @ Simone

The options such as Order, Fold Threads and View are all kept in a cookie which
is generated when you first visit this forum and then it is stored on your
computer. What ever options you have last chosen before closing your browser are
saved in this cookie.

When you next open your browser and visit this forum your browser looks at the
cookie that was previously generated and and you will view the forum with the
same options that you had chosen on your last visit.

The above will only work providing you have not deleted the cookie from your
computer during visits. If your browser cannot find a cookie relating to the
forum when you return, a new cookie is generated and the default values of the
options are applied.

How your forum view options are saved

by Simone @, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 05:47 (6241 days ago) @ admin

Thanks Dave, think I'm sorted now!

Simone x

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