Edmund & Susannah VIMPANY (General)

by gvimpani, Sunday, August 16, 2009, 10:53 (5682 days ago) @ Judith Vimpani

Very interesting bit of news to another member of the Vimpani family. I'm Judith's cousin - we share John Dean as a great grandfather. One of his sons was Augustus Gavan who married Maude Elizabeth Parker. They had four sons, Aubrey, Horace, Gordon and Norman. Although all married only two - Gordon and Horace - had children. Gordon and Edna had five - Gwennyth, Ronald (who has the family bible), Stanley, Barbara and David - and Horace and Phyllis (who was a distant cousin of Maude Elizabeth) had one - me! Only Phyllis and Kathleen (Norman's wife) are alive. Judith met Phyllis for the first time last month. Judith entered my world via my daughter in law Hayley Vimpani who encountered each other on Facebook. Small world!

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