Pluckpenny & Harrow Hill Green (General)

by Mac McAllister, Friday, September 23, 2011, 17:29 (4913 days ago) @ nigel marshall

Dear Mr Marshall.

I too have been in search of the Pluckpenny mine and your entry and responses were of intrest to me and a starting point in my journey. In researching my wife's family tree I found that her Grandfather, Mr Harry Webb of Parkend, now deceased was a worker and allegedly owned the mine in the 1940's. I have yet to substantiate the ownership details so forgive me if this is contrary to anything held.

I was to meet my father in law in the forest in September 2011 as he apparently knew of its whereabouts. Sadly due to ill health he was unable to visit. I went to him afer my trip and by use of the landranger map of the area identified the following details, supported by a photograph of the mine entrance with him and his brother, a resident of parkend stood proudly by. He and his brother and friends, at least one of whom still live in Parkend recall playing outside there as children and it wasn't a long way from home.

The mine entrance is allegedly near to Mallards Pike Lake in Staple Edge Wood within grid SO 6410. This was on a 1:25000 scale so it is fairly large area. From his description and without access to or knowledge of the details of your response I tied it to grid SO 643104 approximately which is just to the west of Staple Edge Bungalow, also shown on the map. There is an airshaft to the west but I have been assured it is nothing to do with Pluckpenny as it was a drift mine.

This is similar to one of the responses given to your initial enquiry as SO 64331660 if I recollect correctly.

Should I again have the opportunity to visit this lovely part of the country I will try once more to find the mine. I found that several visits to other nearby mines such as Clearwell, as well as the Forest Heritage Centre, proved useful in where names devloped from such as one of the Great Grandparents whose middle name "Kibble" (William Kibble Webb) proved very elusive as to its potential origin.

A fruitful visit if not totally successful.

I wish you well with your searching.

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