Error messages Parish Records Project (General)
Can anyone suggest why after logging in successfully, I get the following error message when looking at some records but not others?
What is an unauthorized form?
ERROR: Unauthorised Access.
Request denied. You are attempting to access our server using an unauthorized form.
Error messages
The problem is due to the HTTP_REFERER field not being transmitted to the site.
This is a security measure since the field is easily spoofed.
However, you can allow it for specific sites. The method depends on which firewall software you're using. For Zone Alarm & eTrust you need to uncheck 'Remove private header info' under Privacy\\3rd party cookies. Symantic have their own instructions - see their website.
Please read the Help FAQ
Please read the Help FAQ
If after you have thoroughly read the Help FAQ, done all that is suggested and you still have not resolved the problem, send me a detailed description via the "Contact Us" Help and Support form at the top of this page of the problem you are having, also quote any error messages you may have got. It is difficult to advise, if you just tell us it is 'not working' or 'I can't log in'.