Guy THORN 1864 Oldcroft Engine Driver (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, November 01, 2023, 09:30 (492 days ago) @ Leana

? ?? Think this is another Alfred THORNE with GUY as a father as Alfred appears on the 1911 census although the age is the same as the other Alfred.

Gloucester Citizen : Tuesday 23 July 1907



Alfred THORNE (8) son of GUY THORNE, Collier, Viney Hill, was seriously hurt on Monday.

The National School children had just started home to dinner, when a number of them, including THORNE, ran behind the cart.

When he let go his hold he ran across the road and straight into a horse and trap coming in the opposite direction driven by FRANK COOK, fish salesman. The shaft of the trap caught poor little fellow straight in the forehead, lifting a piece of the scalp right off it. He was knocked down, and one wheel is stated to have gone over his boyd.

Dr Hill, Blakeney, was early in attendance, and dressed the wound, which was a very severe old. The injury to the body appears to be slight, and it does not appear to be established that the cart wheel did pass over his body.

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