Barzillai Meek - born circa 1793 (General)
Hello everyone,
I am still trying to find verification of the baptism/birth of Barzillai Meek. The only thing I can find for Barzillai's birth is a member submission on the IGI which shows him born 1793, Mitcheldean with parents Cornelius Meek and Elizabeth Taylor. So far in the Mitcheldean parish or any other parish records transcribed on this site there is no mention of Barzillai's baptism. I search every time there are new records transcribed(for which I am very grateful. I have found details of other children born to this couple in the Mitcheldean records but not Barzillai.
I know a lot about Barzillai, his two wives, his children, when he died etc,he died age 71 in 1863 which confirms his birth year as 1792/93. Is it likely that he was the son of Cornelius and Elizabeth and for some reason he wasn't baptised like the other children, has anyone else had this happen in their family history.
Barzillai Meek - born circa 1793
Hi Jenny
I've found the same problem with my grandfather, Joseph John Allaway. He was born in Ruardean in 1870, but I cannot find a record of his baptism. His 7 brothers and sisters (including the sister who only lived for 2 days) were all baptised.
Barzillai Meek - born circa 1793
Hi Jenny
I too have Berzillai in my family tree as via his marriage to Elizabeth Jones, their daughter Ann had a relationship with Enos Brain - the one born 8.11.1821, not the one who was murdered in the US.
I have not found his baptism, but in answer to your query, I have a number of families where 1 or 2 baptisms cannot be found. I would suggest in this case it is more to do with the name. You have probably already noted that at his 12.6.1819 marriage to Elizabeth Jones he could not write and is shown as Basil.
Another feature is that Baptisms sometimes take place well away from the place of birth in locations where perhaps siblings have settled. An extreme example perhaps but my sister who lives in Kent had one of her children baptised in Spain.
In the 1841 Census, Berzillai was living at Lea Bailey Hill, occupation Lime Burner. Age 48. 3 of his daughters, Elizabeth, Maria and Charlotte are living with him. Also living with him is Hannah Cowmeadow (who he later marries), age 25 and her daughter, Mary Ann age 4.
Jim Ashton
Barzillai Meek - born circa 1793
Hello Jim,
Thank you for your reply. Barzillai was my 4 x great grandfather. I am descended from him through his daughter Ann who had a relationship with Enos Brain.
I shall just have to wait and see if Barzillai turns up in some of the other parishes, or as "Slowhands" on this site said, I shall maybe just have to go on the balance of probability that Barzillai (Basil) is the son of Cornelius and Elizabeth. One of the witnesses at his marriage to Elizabeth Jones was Cornelius Meek, who could be his brother as Cornelius and Elizabeth had a son called this.
Barzillai Meek - born circa 1793
or as "Slowhands" on this site said, I shall maybe just have to go on the balance of probability
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