Be careful using some IGI records as fact (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, August 02, 2007, 05:08 (6388 days ago) @ David Potter

regarding the IGI record - can you help explain wht this record does not appear in the FOD Parish Record Database?

Richard Cook married Maria (?) in 1835 at Ruardean Hil

Looking at this IGI Marriage record on the LDS site, I noticed that it was
submitted by a member of the LDS.

A lot of information on the IGI is submitted by members of the LDS. You have to
be very careful in using this information as fact as very often people submit
information on assumption and this can send other researchers in the wrong
drection as it seems could be the case in this instance.

Mentioning Ruardean Hill is also a bit of a give away that it is incorrect. He no
doubt lived at Ruardean Hill but the parish church is just called Ruardean. The
village of Ruardean is a little distance away from Ruardean Hill.

This is the kind of thing that happens. I person looks at at Census with Richard
Cook on it living at Ruardean Hill, he notices the name of his wife is Maria and
that the first child was born in certain year. He then subtracts one year from
the birth year of the first child and their assumption is Richard Cook married
Maria (?) in 1835 at Ruardean Hil.

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