Augustus MORGAN died at Trafalgar Colliery (General)
Is there any information out there regarding an accident at the Trafalgar Colliery in 1917?
I only have a reference to it in a newspaper article, which mentions Augustus Morgan (my G Grandfathers Brother) dying there. I can find no record of his death in BMD or in Parish Records although I haven't searched extensively yet.
Augustus MORGAN died at Trafalgar Colliery
His death was registered September Quarter 1917, Westbury on Severn Volume 6a Page 225 or 226. Aged 41.
Augustus MORGAN 1876 -1917
Trafalgar Colliery
Name Augustus Morgan
Date 13/09/1917
Age 41
Brief description Killed whilst wedging coal, roof fell in crushing him in the 20 Inch seam.
Augustus MORGAN died at Trafalgar Colliery
Have had another look for myself in BMD but be blowed if I can find him ?! Thank you so much for the info
Augustus MORGAN 1876 -1917
Is there a record I can look up regarding this accident? Thank you for the information it is much appreceaited
Augustus MORGAN 1876 -1917
The "Roll of Honour" project has captured the info. I suspect the source here was a newspaper article.
Augustus MORGAN 1876 -1917
Many Thanks Slowhands