An admin - thing (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, September 27, 2007, 07:06 (6371 days ago) @ jimashton


Just changed hats and logged in as admin.

I am aware of the problem you mentioned as I've experienced the same situation
as yourself many times. When I first set up the forum a few years back it did
actually show when doing a reply the complete message you were answering as
quoted text in the new message. Unfortunately, very few people would delete or
edit the quoted text and as such a thread of messages on a page ended up
consisting of three quarters of a page of quoted text and only a quarter of a
page of actual original information.

In order for people to understand and follow the thread I removed that feature
of quoted text appearing. At the time I did experiment with the code to try and
get the text of the message you were replying to be viewable but not as quoted
text in the body of the new message but separate from it.

I was never able to get it to work correctly so I let it be for the time, but
now you have brought the subject up I will revisit the problem again and see if
I can do anything.

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