Baptim check (General)
Can someone check this original entry for Newland, father should be Thomas not John.
Year 1828
Month Dec
Day 7
Parents Surname WRIGHT
Child Forename(s) Mary Ambury
Father's Forename(s) John
Mother's Forename(s) Jane
Mother's Surname
Place of Residence Scaltufud[?]
Occupation Labourer
Officiating Minister G Ridout Off[iciatin]g Min[iste]r
Event type Baptism
Baptism check
......and SCATTERFORD !
< the handwiting must be very hard to understand>
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Baptim check
Thanks for the information you have supplied. However as there is more than one
person involved in checking and amending any entries we do have a system and a
special form in place on the website for any possible corrections.
If you would be kind enough to resend the information on the "Parish Records
Correction Request" form which you will find on the Contact Us page.