Looking for Phillip HULIN, vicar of Awre 1553 (General)

by gerobertson @, Saturday, January 19, 2008, 13:32 (6257 days ago) @ supermum2005

Transcript of Will of Philip Huling, Vicar of Awre 1571, follows:

In the name of God Amen, the 21st day of September in the thirteenth
year of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth by the
grace of God of England, France and Ireland and our defender
of the faith. Item. I Philip Huling Clerk and Vicar of Awre in the
diocese of Gloucester being sick in body and of good and perfect memory
do make my testament and last will in manner and form following.
First. I commend my soul to almighty God that by the mercy of
God through the merits of Christs blood by faith to be saved.
And I bequeath my body to Christian burial in the Church
Chancel of Awre. Imprimis I bequeath and give to my son
William two bullocks going now in the field of Awre to be
delivered unto him at the beginning of May next coming
further I give and bequeath to the said William a flock bed with the
appurtenances and a platter and a pottinger to be delivered at the day
of his marriage. I give and bequeath also to the said William
my great half pot after the decease of his mother and my best
cloak to be delivered unto him immediately after my decease. Item.
I bequeath to my son George one horse of three years of age to be
delivered unto him at his age of 12 years. Item. I bequeath to my
daughter Marion one horse of three years of age to be delivered at
12 years of her age. I decided if the said George or Marion do
depart from the mother into any service to get their living then
my will is that the said horses remain immediately to the use and
profit of the said George and Marion. Item. I bequeath to my
youngest sons Richard, Thomas and Philip to each of them
a ewe and a lamb to be delivered unto them at the age of
twelve years. Item. I bequeath to my mother in law Maud Saunders two
pounds of wool and pair of my best hose (ie. Hosiery) and a choice of the
largest mukynge. Item. I bequeath to my bother in law Thomas
Saunders one yelt (colt or calf) of a year and a half and being now
with pig and also I give to the said Thomas two bottles of
wine to be delivered unto him after my decease what time
he will come for it. Item. I bequeath to Elizabeth Kedicke
what was my servant one chilver hog to be delivered immediately after my decease. Item. I bequeath to my servant Margaret Dymock

one (2 words obscured) to be delivered at the beginning of May next
coming Item. I bequeath to my servant Joanne Well one pig of
quarter of a year old to be bred up at the charge of my
executrix for the space of one year. The residue of my goods and
chattels movable and immovable. I give and bequeath to Joanne
my servant who I do ordain and make my sole and whole executrix
giving her power to decide all manner of debts arrange unto and
also to discharge and pay all manner of debt which I do owe
to any manner of person requiring the said executrix to see my
legacies truly and honestly discharged and paid. And to see
my body decently brought to Christian burial. To this beneath
witness Thomas of Awre, Christopher Hopkins, William Kedicke,
George Robins obey the day and the above written.

In the name of God Amen.

To the mercy of God.

The debt owing to me Phillip Huling
Vicar of Awre;
Item. Imprimis. Mister Greene 20 shillings
Item. James Barrow obscured
Item. William Drome 6 shillings and 8 pence
Item. John Doring 5 shillings
Item. John Dymock 5 shillings and 8 pence
Item. John Bailey 3 shillings
Sum 10 pound 5 shillings and 4 pence.

The debt that Philip Huling do owe;
Item. Imprimis. Richard Brodley psxxxd of Rxdfxd 21 shillings and 8 pence
Item. Thomas Sxxxxy my friend 1 pound 3 shillings
Item. John Drome 21 shillings and 10 pence
Item. William Kexxxicl 10 shillings
Item. Richard Hopkins 1 pound 2 shillings
Item. William Huling my son 12 shillings
Item. John Cox 2 shillings 8 pence
Sum 6 pounds13 shillings and tuppence.

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