Oxenhall, Glos (General)
Seventeenth century documents refer to "14 acres of pasture called Loveridge situate in Oxenhall" (Inquisition post mortem) and "watercourse through Loveridge Close" (Indenture). Does anybody know the exact location of these places and do these place names still exist?
Loveridge Oake Dymock area
Seventeenth century documents refer to "14 acres of pasture called Loveridge situate in Oxenhall" (Inquisition post mortem) and "watercourse through Loveridge Close" (Indenture). Does anybody know the exact location of these places and do these place names still exist?
Deeds held at Gloucestershire Archives
cottage called Loveridge Oake
LOVERIDGE family links to area
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>