Deaths Index - Mitcheldean Parish Church of St Michael (General)
Earlier this year I visited Mitcheldean, and was given access to the deaths index for the parish church of St Michael and all angels which I photographed almost in its entirety. 1875 - 1995 (which is where my digital camera ran out of memory).
If anyone would like access or a copy of it, I've made it into a pdf file (it is large at 160mb) and would be happy to put it on a server for you to download.
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of David Watkins, his work on this site as far as I can tell is nothing short of brilliant; this is one of the very best research sites I've come across and I hope that it will continue.
Lawrence Finn
ps I enjoyed my visit to the FOD greatly (and it was wonderful for my curiosity), but I have come to realise that this site is a far more concise and accessible resource than actually visiting the FOD, so many thanks for all the help you have given over the years...
Deaths Index - Mitcheldean Parish Church of St Michael
These records have also been photographed by the transciption project, and have been transcribed and put in the database.
Deaths Index - Mitcheldean Parish Church of St Michael
all good then, you already have them... :-)