Suicide of Jemima Phelps 1829 at Newent Mill (Inquests)

by ChrisW @, Monday, October 06, 2008, 22:21 (5962 days ago) @ ChrisW

Aug: At Newent Mill, on the body of JEMIMA PHELPS, aged about 27, servant of Mr BULLOCK, who poisoned herself by taking arsenic. The deceased prevailed on a woman named MARY ANN DAVIS, residing in Newent, with whom she was acquainted, to procure her something to destroy rats and mice, stating they were thick in her room, and destroyed her clothes. Davies went to Mr Cromwell's, a druggist, in Newent, for something for that purpose, and he recommended arsenic, and sold her a penny worth, but wrote the word 'poison' in large letters on the packet, and cautioned the woman to be very careful, and after it was used to burn the paper. Davis delivered the arsenic to the deceased on Friday afternoon last, who it appeared took the poison infused in either water or tea, and died on Tuesday. On examination of the body, by Mr Hollister, surgeon, of Newent, she was found to be in a state of pregnancy. After a strict investigation of all the circumstances, the jury returned a verdict of Felo de se. The deceased was buried in the manner prescribed by the Act of Parliament of 4th Geo. 4, chapter 32.

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