How can we preserve our research for future generations? (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, June 22, 2008, 05:26 (6104 days ago)

Today, I received an email with the following query:

"As I have no children to pass on my compelete Family Tree to and I have shared with other families the information I have collected over the years, is there anyway on this website I can share it with furture researchers who may be related to it please."


This is a subject I have thought about myself and I have not been able to come up with a satisfactory answer. I not only think about the research I have done on my own family but also about all the information that is on the Forest of Dean Web site. I have one daughter who is in her mid thirties and at this stage she has no interest at all in genealogy, maybe this will change as she gets older as I myself never really got interested to any great degree until I was in my forties.

All the Parish records we have transcribed are safe as everything we transcribe a copy is given to the Gloucestershire Archives but what will happen with all the correspondences we have have on this forum plus a multitude of other things on the site. There are of course genealogy Web sites where you can submit your own family tree in a gedcom file and have the information displayed. Though that is not going to be there for ever more and at some stage in the future it will all be gone. 

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