Thomas W BIRT b1858 (General)
Looking for information regarding Thomas W Birt b1858. He had three daughters Florrie b1885, Ida, & Nora Francis. Florrie we know married a Frenchman in Paris in 1904 Just trying to find out what happened to all the sisters after that
Thomas W BIRT b1858
Possible marriage in London for Nora?
Marriages Sep 1906
BIRT Nora Frances W. Ham 4a 783
GILSON John Edward A W. Ham 4a 783
...and also an IDA same RD.
Marriages Mar 1909
BIRT Ida Christina W.Ham 4a 167
GRAINGER Charles William W.Ham 4a 167
STURLEY Harriett Abbott W.Ham 4a 167
WEEDEN Richard W. Ham 4a 167
WEEDON Richard W. Ham 4a 167
...which could be this one?
Births Mar 1888
BIRT Ida Christine Gloucester 6a 309
Thomas W BIRT b1858
Thanks again for the info. I think I've now found another daughter, born in West Ham in 1898 and she married John H Swinton in 1922 in Holborn, London