Schools in Tidenham (General)
Does anyone know of the school that children who resided in Tidenham (Rosemary Lane) would have attended? Various ages. Between 1850 and 1900. (parents thought to be C of E as they were married at Tidenham Parish Chuch)
Do the school buildings survive ? Thanyou.
Schools in Tidenham
Possibly they would have gone to Tutshill School since I think that would be the nearest.
Schools in Tidenham
Thank you for info. Do you have any knowledge of a school somewhere along Rosemary Lane that seems to appear on an old tythe map of 1845?
Schools in Tidenham
I think that allan white of this forum may be able to help. He sent me a copy of an old engraving of the school which I think was in Rosemary Lane (I'll check this). He also has access to the old registers. The old school is now the village hall of Tidenham Chase. If you cant raise Allan then send me a private mail and I will look up his phone number.
Schools in Tidenham
Type "Rosemary lane School Tidenham" into Google and you will find some interesting info on schools there. With the help of the other lister, you should be able to discover what you are looking for.
Schools in Tidenham
Many thanks for this information. Sorry to have left it so long before replying. I'll keep the Forum posted with any results. Thanks again.
Schools in Tidenham
Thank you so much for your really useful link via Google search. Lots of most interesting information. Thanks again !