Variations for the surname WILCE (General)
Any surname that sounds similar to WILCE when it is spoken could be a variation of the name.
If you do an open search of the Parish Records by typing WILCE in the surname box and checking the soundex option it will bring up some of the variations.
Variation in Surname Spellings
Complete thread:
- Variations for the surname WILCE -
2009-10-20, 14:28
- Variations for the surname WILCE -
2009-10-20, 15:57
- Variations for the surname WILCE - anghutch, 2009-10-20, 18:38
- Variations for the surname WILCE - anghutch, 2009-10-22, 13:15
- Variations for the surname WILCE -
2009-10-20, 15:57