Ancestry - deaths 1916 - 2005 now searchable (General)
This is probably old news, Ancestry have now added English & Welsh deaths which is now searchable 1916 - 2005.
Ancestry - deaths 1916 - 2005 now searchable
Do they charge for the search? I know they charge for some things but I can use my local library as it pays a subscription to Ancestry but not all local authorities do so.
Ancestry - deaths 1916 - 2005 now searchable
I have a subscription to Ancestry and there is no extra charge for searching the deaths. I've already found a few dates I was missing.
Ancestry - deaths 1916 - 2005 now searchable
I found it doesn't work if you include the year of birth, it didn't for me, so I was left with 90 people to chose from, maybe they are still working on this, or it wasn't until recently that they wanted to know date of birth and age? I don't think that's true. FB
Ancestry - deaths 1916 - 2005 now searchable
they only include the year of birth on the indexes from 1969, so adding the year of birth will only apply to deaths after this year.