Looking for information on DENEHY from Wales ( not FoD) (Inquests)

by timd, Friday, December 13, 2013, 19:18 (4075 days ago)

My Great grandfather Daniel Denehy emigrated to Wales from Irealnd, I am trying to find information on him.

Daniel Denehy
Born: May 1858
Married: Ellen/Helen Connors/Conners in Wales I think in 1884.
Had son Thomas A. Denehy in Newport Wales in 1888

Daniel emigrated to the United States in 1887 and lived in Ohio till his death on March 8th 1912

Daniel's fathers name was also named Thomas and I think he also lived there with them, Familysearch.org added a record stating Thomas Daniel's father died in Wales.

I am posting all this here because I have found several records stating they lived in Monmouthshire.

Thank you in advance for any help.


Looking for information on DENEHY

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, December 13, 2013, 23:28 (4074 days ago) @ timd

Hi Tim and welcome to this great site and friendly forum.
From my various searches it seems I cannot offer any more data to what you've found, hopefully other forum users will tho....
Have you tried searching this site's free access PRs database for the Forest area ?
I have and cannot find a single one for the name DENEHY, or indeed some spelling variations of it. Similarly I cannot find any on the GlosBDM site.
What REALLY surprises me is that despite FreeBMD giving very full coverage of the Monmouthsire area, I can only find a couple of entries which may fit your family surname, searching "all types" from 1838 til 1888 !. The nearest match I can find is;

Surname Given Name District Volume Page Transcriber
Births Sep 1884
Denahay Thomas Peter Newport M. 11a 194 walj

That said, I do recommend you search this site yourself, in the unlikely case you haven't already. Sadly it only offers hits for precise spelling matches of any surname entered, so have to repeat with the various spellings, "a"s instead of "e"s etc etc.

I've also thoroughly searched FreeBMD for Helen/Ellen Connors/Conners within FreeBMD, clearly a far more common name and there are several within the Merthyr etc area thro the years, but sadly no matches for her marriage to Daniel.


I'm not subscribed to Ancestry but using it's free search for Daniel gives some clues which just reflect the Census info you already have, and appear to match those on Family Search aka LDS which you've also used, I presume this is your family;

"United States Census, 1900"
Name: Daniel Denehy
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Youngstown Township, Precinct B Youngstown city Ward 4, Mahoning, Ohio, United States
District: 68
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 17
Birth Date: May 1858
Birthplace: Ireland
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1883
Immigration Year: 1887
Father's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother of how many children: 0
Sheet Number and Letter: 9B
Household ID: 195
Line Number: 62
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1241300
Digital Folder Number: 004117765
Image Number: 00939
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Daniel Denehy M 42 Ireland
Wife Ellen Denehy F 38 Wales
Son Thomas Denehy M 16 Wales
Daughter Maggie Denehy F 10 Ohio
Son Daniel Denehy M 7 Ohio
Son Garrat Denehy M 5 Ohio
Daughter Ivea Denehy F 1 Ohio

"United States Census, 1910"
Name: Dannel Denehy
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Youngstown Ward 4, Mahoning, Ohio, United States
District: 128
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1855
Birthplace: Ireland
Immigration Year: 1886
Father's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Sheet Number and Letter: 9B
Household ID: 185
Line Number:
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: M1283
GS Film number: 1375225
Digital Folder Number: 004449945
Image Number: 01067
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Dannel Denehy M 55 Ireland
Wife Ellen Denehy F 45 Wales
Son Thomas L Denehy M 24 Wales
Daughter Margret Denehy F 19 Ohio
Son Daniel J Denehy M 16 Ohio
Son Garrate J Denehy M 15 Ohio
Son Lenord Denehy

I also see other events re this family but only those you've already quoted. Unfortunately and as you no doubt know, there are clearly more than one Daniel D'y born in Ireland in the 1850s so tricky to untangle them.

However I've not seen ANY records positively linking them with Monmouthshire, perhaps if you post these records that might help us to help you. Perhaps you mean their relatives who stayed in Mons, for example, perhaps better this route is worth following ?

Similarly I've searched LDS for Ellen Connors, eg this which again I'm sure you've seen;

"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953"
Name: Daniel Denehy
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 23 May 1915
Event Place: Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio
Residence Place:
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Marital Status: Single
Birth Date: 24 Feb 1895
Birthplace: Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated): 1895
Burial Date:
Burial Place: Ohio
Father's Name: Daniel Denehy
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother's Name: Ellen Connors
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Birthplace: Wales
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
File Number: fn 29713
GS Film number: 1983348
Digital Folder Number: 004095907
Image Number: 00985


So, sadly at the mo I cannot offer anything new, altho other forum users may be able to do so as they're more experienced and capable than I am. HOWEVER as it looks like this query isn't particularly linked to the Forest of Dean, plus it's a very busy time of year while preparing for Christmas (the forum's been very quiet indeed recently) then you may have to be patient.

This relatively new Monmouthshire website may be worthwhile your browsing. Thanks entirely to your post I've found this site, so for that THANKS !!

Looking forward to your thoughts re the above findings and my questions, any more info you can give us can only help, regards, J

Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 00:51 (4074 days ago) @ Jefff

Thank you very much for your time, all the census records are him and I have also found those. I will look into the Thomas you found.

Thank you again for your help.

Looking for information on DENEHY

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 00:29 (4074 days ago) @ timd

If it's any help,

on GR the General Register of BDM gives,

Daniel Denehy
Married 2nd Quarter 1883
Newport (Monmouthshire)

One of two possible spouses (i.e. on the same page)is,

Ellen O'Connors

Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 00:53 (4074 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thank you for helping:) I actually ordered this document from Wales but when I received it I noticed Ellen's parents don't match up to all the other records I have on her.

Thank you for your time.

Looking for information on DENEHY

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 00:57 (4074 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thanks a lot Mike !.
I presume by GR you refer to the GRO Indexes ?, this is a new term to me.

Looking again at FreeBMD, thanks to your prompt, they have

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1883 (>99%)
DENERY Daniel Newport, M. 11a 300
Fenny Edward Joseph Newport, M. 11a 300
HARNOTT Mary Newport, M. 11a 300
O'Connors Ellen Newport, M. 11a 300

The scan of the page for Daniel isn't too clear to me, the typeset "R" also looks a bit like it's been crossed with an "H" !. This, plus the apparent rarity of O' ConnorS as a surname, suggests this is indeed the correct Marriage Record.

Well spotted sir !

Looking for information on DENEHY

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 01:02 (4074 days ago) @ Jefff

By GR I just meant the transcription of Genes Reunited. And yes, MARY HARNOTT, was the other option.

Looking for information on DENEHY

by MPGriffiths @, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 16:28 (4074 days ago) @ timd

Can see this family has a number of Public members trees on Ancestry

Thomas A's birth date is given as the 29 June - so Jeff's birth may be the correct one i.e.

Name: Thomas Peter DENAHAY (Daniel's father's name given as Thomas on D's death certificate, on Public members tree)

Date of Reg: July/Aug/Sept 1884

Reg District: Newport

Inferred County: Monmouthshire

Volume: 11a

Page: 194



1881 Wales Census, Cardiff, St John -- 20 Sandon Place, Glamorgan - Cardiff, Monmouthshire

John DALEY - 56 - Coal Keeper ??? - born Ireland, Cork
Mary DALEY - 53
John DALEY - 26
Thomas DALEY - 17
Margaret DALEY - 13
Mary O'BRIEN - 40
Daniel DUMEY - 21 - labourer, born Ireland, Cork
John O'Sullivan - 26

Ellen SUTTON - 45
Catherine WALSH - 28
Jermemiah DALEY - 40
Ellen DALEY - 40

1881 Wales Census, Cardiff St John - 20 Park Place

working for Thomas U H PLAIN - Shipbuilder

Ellen Oconnor - 26 - General Servant, born Cork Ireland


Ancestry (Marriage)

Name: Daniel DENERY

Date of Registration: April/May/June 1883

Reg. District: Newport

Inferred County: Monmouthshire

Volume Number: 11a

Page Number: 300

Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 17:42 (4071 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

I found this interesting record:

NAME: Daniel DeueneSPOUSE: Ellen DeueneBIRTH: abt 1861 - Cork, IrelandRESIDENCE: 1891 - township, city, Glamorgan, Wales

It looks about right and even shows a Thomas as well, my only problem is that everything else I have says they came to the United States around 1887 so if this is them could a 1891 Census show someone who had already left wales?


Looking for information on DENEHY

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 00:04 (4070 days ago) @ timd

Genes Reunited transcribes this record as DEVENE and Ancestry as DEUENE. Looking at the original I think Ancestry is probably right. Problem is that that this Ellen is recorded as being born in Cork, Ireland whereas the US data (thanks Jefff) places her birth firmly in Wales in around 1862. The 1871 Census gives the following possibility for Ellen,

1871 50 High St, Bedwellty Parish, Tredegar,

Cornelius O'CONNOR Head b.1828 Cork, Ireland, Labourer in a coke yard.
Hannah Wife b.1833 Cork, Ireland
Mary Daur b.1851 Cork, Ireland, Labourer in coke ovens
Patrick Son b.1854 Bedwellty, Mon. Labourer in iron works
Ellen Daur b.1861 Bedwellty, Mon. Scholar
Margaret Daur b.1871 Bedwellty, Mon.
Daniel CLOGAN Lodger b.1851 Milford, Cork, Labourer in iron works.

The same family can be traced in 1861 under the name CONNOR and at almost the same location.

Maybe this might match with your own information about Ellen O'CONNORS?

Since the emigration date seems almost certainly to have been well before 1891 I doubt the record could refer to Daniel DENEHY.

Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 00:16 (4070 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thank you for taking the time to help me get through this wall.

Looking for information on DENEHY

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 00:40 (4070 days ago) @ timd

Just to say I agree with Mike on this one. Furthermore, while searching your Daniel I've seen that both Daniel and Ellen are extremely common# Denehy names in both Wales and Ireland, my searches produced a good many probably-false but still close "hits". Finally, I can guess and have seen many spelling variations of Denehy, eg Denahay etc, but never seen Deuene; to me it looks and most importantly sounds a different name. Devine is a fairly common Irish surname and probably applies here.
You might try searching this exact spelling elsewhere to prove, or not, if it can possibly be your Daniel ?.

# statistically speaking only of course, I do dislike this word with it's insulting double meaning, but what obvious alternative is there ? (answers please..)

Looking for information on DENEHY

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 10:32 (4070 days ago) @ timd

Looking at Wikipedia - the surname DENEHY mainly comes from Cork & Kerry



As on Daniel's death certificate - occupation Teamaker (on Public Members tree on Ancestry - his father's name was Thomas)** his mother's maiden name is unknown, but was Irish as was Thomas.

? Would Ellen's death certificate have the father's name and mother's maiden name stated

Ancestry - Ireland, Civil Registration Marriages Index 1845 - 1958 have a Thomas DENEHY marriages - one in 1853
for Dublin South - 5 males listed and 4 women.

Is the Denehy a Catholic family - and therefore the marriage/birth records are not on line?


*** (Ancestry Public members tree)

Listed are the children of Daniel & Ellen DENEHY - as family names are more often than not a clue

Thomas A - 1885-1963

Margret (Maggie) - 1890

Margret - 1891

Daniel J - 1895

John Paul Garrett - 1895-1973

Ivor Ellen - 1898

Leonard - 1903-1917


Margret would seem to be a family name and Garrett might be a christian/surname - Ivor is a Welsh name

Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 16:22 (4070 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

John Paul Garret is my Grandfather as for Ellen's parents their names were John Connors and Ann Connors, on a few documents of hers it states they were born in Ireland but Ellen was born in Wales.

Looking at Wikipedia - the surname DENEHY mainly comes from Cork & Kerry



As on Daniel's death certificate - occupation Teamaker (on Public Members tree on Ancestry - his father's name was Thomas)** his mother's maiden name is unknown, but was Irish as was Thomas.

? Would Ellen's death certificate have the father's name and mother's maiden name stated

Ancestry - Ireland, Civil Registration Marriages Index 1845 - 1958 have a Thomas DENEHY marriages - one in 1853
for Dublin South - 5 males listed and 4 women.

Is the Denehy a Catholic family - and therefore the marriage/birth records are not on line?


*** (Ancestry Public members tree)

Listed are the children of Daniel & Ellen DENEHY - as family names are more often than not a clue

Thomas A - 1885-1963

Margret (Maggie) - 1890

Margret - 1891

Daniel J - 1895

John Paul Garrett - 1895-1973

Ivor Ellen - 1898

Leonard - 1903-1917


Margret would seem to be a family name and Garrett might be a surname - Ivor is a Welsh name


by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 16:51 (4070 days ago) @ timd


1881 Census, 1 Queen Street, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire


John - 50 - (labourer) born Ireland
Ann - 50 - born Ireland
James - 11- born Aberdare, Glamorgan
John - 20 - rest of the childre, born Merthyr
Mary - 17 - Wales
Ellen - 14 - Wales
Bridget - 10 - Wales
Billy - 7 - Wales
Thomas - 0 - Wales

few doors away at No. 8

Mary CONNORS, Widow 62 Annuitant, born Ireland

1891 Census, Merthyr Tydfil


John - 60 - born Waterford, Ireland
Austi - 48 - ditto
James - 35 - Son - born Waterford Ireland
Mary - 30 - daughter, born Glam. Aberdare
William - 14
Thomas - 11
Catherine - 9

Looking for information on DENEHY

by rosemarytaylor ⌂ @, Gloucestershire, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 17:23 (4070 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Looking at the 1900 census for Mahoning Ohio are the following 2 families, it looks like Ellen's brother was living there also.

175 Myrtle Avenue

Daniel Denehay 42 born 8/1858 Ireland, married 17 years, resident in USA 13 years 1887
Ellen Denehay 38 born 3/1862 Wales (not able to read and write)
Thomas Denehy 15 born 6/1884 Wales a clerk
Maggie Denehy 9 born 10/1890 Ohio
Daniel Denehy 7 born 2/1893 Ohio
Garret Denehy 5 born 6/1895 Ohio
Ivia Denehy (f) 1 born 2/1899 Ohio

167 Myrtle Avenue

Garrett O'Conner 30 born 4/1870 Wales a paddler 11 years in USA
Catherine O'Conner 29 born 7/1870 Ireland 17 years in USA
Mary E O'Conner 8 born 11/1891 Ohio
William F O'Conner 7 born 1/1893 Ohio
Garratt O'Conner 2 born 4/1898 Ohio

Perhaps this information will be useful.


Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 17:39 (4070 days ago) @ rosemarytaylor

Thank you rosemary:) I have looked at this census record too many times to count and never noticed this.

Thank you

Looking for information on DENEHY

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 17:40 (4070 days ago) @ rosemarytaylor


Ancestry UK Outward Passenger List

Name: Garrett O'Connor

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Birth Date: abt 1871

Departure Date: 11 April 1895

Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

Destination Port: Boston USA

Search Ship: The Catalonia in the Passenger Ships and Imates

Master: Atken

Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 17:44 (4070 days ago) @ rosemarytaylor

Roasemary, I have one question; what info made you think her brother is one of the people listed in the other house? I am just curious.


Marriage of Garrett O'Conner

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 19:08 (4070 days ago) @ timd

Source: FamilySearch.org

Garrett O'Connor
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994

marriage: 5 February 1891 Mahoning, Ohio, United States

spouse: Catherine Reardon

Name Garrett O'Connor

Looking for information on DENEHY

by rosemarytaylor ⌂ @, Gloucestershire, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 22:50 (4069 days ago) @ timd

No actual proof. But connections of name Garrett, birthplace Wales and the name of O'Conner or Conners as previously mentioned.

I have found with my own family when families emigrated they quite often lived in close proximity to each other. I thought it may be worth investigating further.


Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Thursday, December 19, 2013, 15:36 (4069 days ago) @ rosemarytaylor

Wow I just found someone last night on ancestry and talked to them who is related to My grandmothers brother Garrett, so rosemary you were right it was her brother and he did live in Youngstown.


Looking for information on DENEHY

by timd, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 17:01 (4070 days ago) @ timd

I really appreciate all the help you all have provided however most the records you all have found I have gone over and over in the past, what would you all recommend my next steps be?

I have mostly relied on internet based searches and think that might be part of my problem as I just keep reviewing the same information over and over.

What should I do?

Thank you all very much.:)

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