The MALVERN mystery of 1792 in Newent (General)

by jackmalvern, Friday, January 30, 2009, 02:24 (5887 days ago)

I have come across a bit of a mystery in my search for my ancestor Charles MALVERN (my great great great grandfather). According to census records from 1861 he was born in Newent in 1792, but there is no matching baptism record.

However, there is a baptism record for Joseph MALVERN for that date in Newent. The register notes that he was born of Samuel and Mary MALVERN and that he was born a "pauper". (Samuel's burial record confirms that he was living in an alms house when he died.)

I have a theory that Joseph was adopted by his uncle Charles MALVERN (born 1747) and renamed after his adoptive father. (I have a copy of the will of Charles (born 1747) that states that he has a son called Charles, to whom he leaves £100, demonstrating that there was money in this branch of the family.)

Is there anyone out there who:
a) knows about adoption customs in the late 18th century, and whether it was common practice for children to be renamed; or
b) has studied the MALVERN family themselves and has another theory?

I would be grateful for any guidance.

Jack Malvern

The MALVERN mystery of 1792 in Newent

by ChrisW @, Friday, January 30, 2009, 09:15 (5887 days ago) @ jackmalvern

Hi Jack

But what if this is the son of Charles b 1747?

Record_ID: 70136
Entry_Number: 463
Year: 1774
Month: Dec
Day: 24
Parents_Surname: MALVERN
Child_Forenames: Charles
Fathers_Forenames: Charles
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Occupation: Shoemaker
Officiating_Minister: James Cummins Bright (churchwardens) Robt Foley S
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 13
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: M416

The MALVERN mystery of 1792 in Newent

by jackmalvern, Friday, January 30, 2009, 13:45 (5887 days ago) @ ChrisW

Thank you for the reply.
I have seen this record, and I think there is an error in it. (I know, I know. It sounds like I'm rejecting facts to fit my narrative, but bear with me.)

This is the only record in which Charles MALVERN (b1747) is linked to Mary. There is no marriage record for them, and no baptisms for any further children by them. If they had had a child out of wedlock, it would be odd for the father to be named, and indeed for the child to have his father's name.

There is, however, a marriage record for Charles MALVERN being married to Sarah in 1779 (five years after the baptism of this baby Charles), and two baptism records naming Charles and Sarah as parents shortly afterward (of John and Thomas). On top of that, I have the will of Charles (b1747) stating that his wife is Sarah and that his children are John, Charles and Thomas (in that order). And Charles senior and Sarah are buried in the same grave.

So, was Charles married to Mary and Mary died? If so, there is no burial record for her. Indeed, there is no burial record for a Mary MALVERN until 1840.

Could it be that there were two Charles MALVERNs of the same generation in Newent? I doubt it. MALVERN is not that common a name, and I can find no records in Gloucestershire or beyond for any other Charles MALVERNs of that generation. It seems unlikely that a Charles MALVERN from another county would arrive in Newent, already married, have a child and then disappear again.

So how do I explain the baptism record of Charles from 1774? I think that the father's name has been mistranscribed or recorded incorrectly. There was another MALVERN family in Newent at the time headed by Samuel, Charles senior's brother. Samuel had married Mary a year earlier, according to marriage records. (I don't know about your ancestors, but mine almost always had their first child a year after marriage. Possibly they were all shotgun weddings. Or they were just gagging for it after a life of celibacy.)

Samuel was a shoemaker. Charles was a brushmaker. The father's occupation on that baptism record is listed as shoemaker.

I posit that the baptism record should have the father's name as Samuel, and that the person who made or transcribed the record put the child's name in twice by mistake.

Even if you reject this theory, the 1861 census says that my ancestor Charles was born in Newent in 1792. The birth year is corroborated by the 1841 census and by his gravestone in Cheltenham. Did he get his birthplace wrong? I don't know why he would.

So the question stands: is the reason that there is no record for a Charles MALVERN being born in Newent in 1792 because he was baptised as Joseph and had his name changed when Uncle Charles adopted him from poverty-stricken Samuel?

Does anyone know of any other adoptions in the late 18th century that follow such a scenario?


The MALVERN surname

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, January 30, 2009, 20:21 (5886 days ago) @ jackmalvern

the Surname is found in the area back to at least the early 1600's

Christening: 21 FEB 1628 Tirley, Gloucester, England

Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C036392 1601 - 1639 0427792 Film 6911909 Film
C036392 1653 - 1812 0857049 Film NONE
Sheet: 00

Christening: FEB 1660 Tirley, Gloucester, England

Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C036392 1601 - 1639 0427792 Film 6911909 Film
C036392 1653 - 1812 0857049 Film NONE
Sheet: 00

with your "man"

Charles Malvern abt 1792 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Head Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Maria Malvern abt 1792 Worcest, Alcester Wife Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

and cousins ...

Thomas Malvern abt 1795 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Head Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Malvern abt 1807 Droitwich, Worcestershire, England Wife Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Charles Malvern abt 1835 Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England Son Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
John Malvern abt 1837 Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England Son Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Lewis Malvern abt 1847 Cheltm, Gloucestershire, England Son Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Thomas Malvern abt 1842 Cheltm, Gloucestershire, England Son Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Thomas Malvern abt 1801 Gloucestershire, England Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Malvern abt 1811 Gloucestershire, England Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Charles Malvern abt 1835 Gloucestershire, England Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
John Malvern abt 1837 Gloucestershire, England Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Thomas Malvern abt 1841 Gloucestershire, England Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The MALVERN surname

by jackmalvern, Saturday, January 31, 2009, 02:27 (5886 days ago) @ slowhands

Slowhands, I owe you a debt of gratitude for the 1851 census results as well as the earlier MALVERNEs.

The 1851 census entry for Charles (b1792) and Maria confirms that the 1861 census entry of Newent was not a mistake. That is a relief.
Thomas is, according to my theory, the adoptive brother and biological cousin of Charles (b1792). I did not know about Thomas's children. Nor did I know when the Malverns moved from Tewkesbury to Cheltenham. I now know that it was between 1837 and 1847. I wonder if it was something to do with their Wesleyan faith?

On the subject of the MALVERNEs, I'm fairly sure that I'm related to Simon MALVERNE of Oxenhall, just outside Newent. It seems that he was the first MALVERNE to come to Newent and it seems likely that he came from Tirley. There are records for MALVERNs in Tirley until the early 19th century.

Thank you very much. All very illuminating.

I'm still curious to know about adoption practices. If anyone has any knowledge on this topic then please do tell.


The MALVERN surname

by malverna, Thursday, November 05, 2009, 20:42 (5607 days ago) @ jackmalvern

I thought you might be interested as my family tree goes back to Simon Malvern of Oxenhall. My direct ancestor was Charles Malvern (b1747 ,married Sarah Cannon), and his son Thomas Malvern was my ancestor. I was unaware that Charles Malvern had 3 sons.
Thomas Malvern I believe was an auctioneer who came to Cheltenham via Tewksbury. His son Charles Malvern(b1835) was my great grandfather, and he was a Wesleyian lay preacher, and a builder by trade, with a yard in Winchcome street Cheltenham.
I certainly would be intetested in filling in details a bit further back.

Alan Malvern

The MALVERN surname

by Ralph Cook, Friday, November 06, 2009, 07:35 (5607 days ago) @ malverna


Humphrey Malvern, b. 1691 is an ancestor of mine and the son of Simon Malvern who was buried at Newent in July 1714. Humphrey's mother was Sarah Turner and she married Simon Malvern at Oxenhall on 2nd April 1685.

Does anyone have details of Simon and Sarah's ancestry?

Ralph Cook

The MALVERN surname

by jackmalvern, Friday, November 06, 2009, 17:51 (5606 days ago) @ Ralph Cook

Dear Ralph,
I'm afraid that Simon and Sarah MALVERN(E) (my seventh great grandparents) are the furthest back that I have been able to trace. I don't even know when or where Simon was born. If birth records do exist for him then I'm pretty certain that they are not yet online. Can anyone else help?

The MALVERN surname

by jackmalvern, Friday, November 06, 2009, 17:35 (5606 days ago) @ malverna

Dear Alan,

Thank you for your message. We seem to be distant cousins. My tree also goes back to Simon MALVERN of Oxenhall (died 1714). I have quite a lot of information about your ancestor (my fourth great uncle) Thomas MALVERN (b 1795).

(Deep breath.)

He was named third in the will of his father, Charles (b 1792), and was due to inherit £100. His brothers John and Charles were named ahead of him.
He lists his occupation as "builder" in the non-parochial birth record of his son, John, in 1836.
The 1837 edition of Robson's Commercial Directory of Newent lists "Malvern, Thomas, builder".
According to the 1851 census, Thomas and his family were in Tewkesbury by 1835 because his first son, Charles, was born there. The same census suggests that he had moved to in Cheltenham by 1842 because his third son Thomas was born there.
The 1858/59 edition of Slater's Commercial Directory of Cheltenham lists three Thomas Malverns:
A builder, of 2 Portland Street;
A house agent, of 8 North Street; and
A County Court high bailiff.
I speculate that our Thomas, then 63, had branched out from building and become a house agent and/or a bailiff. I think that he was an auctioneer in the sense that he sold off seized property rather than fine art, but I cannot know for certain. I suspect that the builder listed at the different address was the son born in 1842, now 16, who followed his father into the building trade.
The vaultstone of Thomas (b 1795) is at the Wesleyan Chapel at St George's Street, Cheltenham. It reads:
"Sacred/ to the memory of/ Thomas Malvern,/ who died Dec. 23rd 1870,/ aged 75 years./ Also Elizabeth,/ wife of the above/ who departed this life/ August 2nd 1877/ aged 70 years./ "Made perfect through suffering."/ Also of/ Thomas Malvern,/ who died/ April 13th 1867, aged 25 years./ Remember not thy Creator in the/ days of thy youth./ Also of C. Louise,/ the beloved wife of the/ Rev. J. Malvern,/ of Dover, N.H., U.S. America/ who died Oct. 11th 1870/ aged 24 years."

My research into Thomas's son Charles (b1835) also suggests he was a builder. In the 1881 census he lists his occupation as "builder employing 8 men and 3 apprentices".

Anyow, rather than fire more information at you, I could let you have access to the full tree I've created on The easiest way of doing this is if I can slot you into it, which will require me to know your direct ancestors. I have five sons for Charles (b 1834), namely twins Thomas and Charles G (both born 1863), Walter J (b 1865), Alfred (b1870) and Ernest E (b 1874). Could you tell me how you are linked to one of them? I'll also send you a private message, which should allow you to send me your e-mail address privately so I can get to show you the tree.
I hope this all makes sense.


The MALVERN surname

by malverna, Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 18:19 (5504 days ago) @ jackmalvern

Hi Jack,
My grandfather was Alfred, the son of Charles the Cheltenham builder, and my father was Philip son of Alfred, born in 1915. I am the youngest son of Philip, with elder brother Keith and sisete Diane
Hope that helps
Thanks for the info. Look forward to more as you seem to have done a lot of work. Like you I was unable to get back beyond Simon

The MALVERN surname

by jackmalvern, Thursday, February 18, 2010, 12:07 (5503 days ago) @ malverna

Thank you very much. You are, it emerges, my fourth cousin once removed. I've put you into my tree. If you send me your e-mail address then I can get Geni to show you the tree. I have sent you a private message (which presumably goes to the e-mail account you used to register with this forum) containing my e-mail address, so you should be able to contact me privately without posting your address on this forum.

The MALVERN surname

by RalphCook @, Sunday, January 15, 2017, 13:22 (2980 days ago) @ jackmalvern


I have only just seen the string on the Malverns after years of being away from this particular lineage.

I am descended from Mary Malvern who married John Bailey on 12 Oct 1757 at Newent. She was I believe the daughter of Humphrey Malvern and Elizabeth Williams. She was born in 1739 at Newent but I have yet to find her burial details. Her husband John Bailey was born in December 1737 in Newent and died I think around 1770 but for some reason I don't have that yet on my family tree file OOps.

Hunphrey Malvern was born in 1691 at Newent and died there in 1761, his wife Elizabeth Williams was probably the girl born in 1704 and died at Dymock in March 1768

Regards Ralph

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