Many surnames in Britain derrive from areas nearby (General)

by Roger Griffiths @, Sunday, February 08, 2009, 08:53 (5877 days ago) @ Paul Andrews

There's a lot more to do with this. In the last five years or so a sample DNA test was conducted by scientists in central and Eastern England. More than 60 percent of people were proved to be racially Anglo Saxons. I don't think it was a viable test because the subjects were only required to be third generation in the area (ie back to about 1900). I previously commented in another Post about internal migration within the UK.

If that percentage is correct there arises the question of genocide by the Anglo Saxons on the previous Celtic population. That's problematical. The Celtic population is said to have been 2 Million. The Anglo Saxon invaders 200,000 and this is around 650AD. 200K would have difficulty in wiping out 2M people.

Roger Griffiths

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